Related Content: Disaster Resilience
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Standards Enabling Collaboration For Global Challenges
A preview of the 129th Member Meeting, to be held June 17-21 in Montreal, Canada.
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Insights from Innovation Days 2023
At OGC Innovation Days 2023, members of the climate, disaster, and emergency resilience and response communities gathered to explore what OGC-enabled geospatial technologies have made...
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CLIMOS and a FAIR data-to-information value chain
The “raw data to information” value chain underpinning Climate Resilience Information Systems (CRIS) is only made possible when the FAIR data principles are respected –...
OGC Testbed-19 Call For Sponsors: Interoperability and Collaboration from Oceans to Space
The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) is currently preparing its next major Innovation Initiative, Testbed-19, which builds upon the success and outcomes of Testbed-17, Testbed-18, and...
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7 Key Takeaways from the OGC Climate Change Special Session
Article contributed by Steve Liang, SensorUp “If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it.” The quote is originally from management consultant Peter Drucker and...
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Evolving Geospatial Technologies Through OGC’s Testbed-17
Decades in the Making: The Challenges of Evolving Technologies and Standards When it comes to evolving a technology or standard over multiple decades, the struggle...
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Producing and providing reliable information for climate services requires huge volumes of data to come together and process from different scientific eco-systems – requiring standards...
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The last three years have been unprecedented when it comes to disasters. In 2019 alone there was billions of dollars’ worth of damage, and thousands...