Research in Action

COSI drives the adoption of OGC standards by showcasing the power of interoperability across sectors. 

COSI Initiatives research the use OGC standards to address today’s global challenges: disaster resilience, marine spatial data infrastructures, smart cities and indoor mapping, to name a few. Some of our recently completed initiatives include: 

  • Mapping landslide, flood and pandemic impacts in Peru’s Rimac and Piura River basins.
  • Assessing the effectiveness of the OGC API — Records standard in managing Arctic resources, exploring the use of navigational data and standards for improved coastal resilience in the Caribbean and creating 3D views of coastal inundation in Singapore.
  • Developing a standardized health data model and SDI to improve early warning, response, and recovery efforts in future health emergencies.

Ongoing areas of research are listed below.

Current Initiatives


OGC Space Pilot: The Moon

With a focus on the Moon, the Pilot will address: Lunar Positioning, Navigation, and Timing; Exposing lunar data through standards; Lunar Digital Twins; and other…