Request Closed: July 9, 2024 9:00 am — August 15, 2024 11:59 pm

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) seeks public comment on the IndoorGML v2.0 Part 1 – Conceptual Model candidate Standard. Comments are due by August 15, 2025.

The IndoorGML Standard aims to provide a unified, standardized, and flexible approach for indoor spatial information required for space-graph based applications such as indoor navigation.

While there are several standards supporting 3D modeling concepts—such as CityGML, KML, IFC, LADM and IMDF—that deal with interiors of buildings from geometric, cartographic, and semantic viewpoints, IndoorGML focuses on modeling indoor spaces and their neighborhood relationships in support of indoor location-based services.

This, Part 1 of the IndoorGML Standard, specifies, in UML, a conceptual model for indoor information. Part 2 of the Standard specifies technical implementation schemas in GML, SQL, and JSON.

As of version 2.0, the IndoorGML Part 1 – Conceptual Model Standard consists of two components: 1) a core data model to describe topological connectivity and different contexts of indoor space, and 2) a data model for navigation in indoor space. While the core data model is the main conceptual model that IndoorGML is built upon, the navigation model extends it to support navigation applications. This allows illustrating the practical strength of the core model as well as how other application extensions could be built around it. 

As well as the separation of IndoorGML into Part 1 for the Conceptual Model and Part 2 for encoding schemes, the main changes in version 2.0 are focused on the simplification of the data model.

This version of IndoorGML covers geometric and semantic properties of indoor spaces relevant for indoor navigation. These indoor spaces may differ from the spaces described by other standards such as CityGML, IFC, LADM, and IMDF. In this respect, IndoorGML is a complementary standard to CityGML, IFC, LADM, and IMDF to support location-based services for indoor navigation.

OGC Members interested in staying up to date on the progress of this standard, or contributing to its development, are encouraged to join the IndoorGML Standards Working Group via the OGC Portal. Non-OGC members who would like to know more about participating in this SWG are encouraged to contact the OGC Standards Program.

The candidate OGC IndoorGML Part 1 – Conceptual Model Standard (OGC 22-045r2) (.DOCX) is available for review and comment on the OGC Portal. Comments are due by August 15, 2024 and should be submitted via the method below.

To Comment:
Comments can be submitted as an issue on the IndoorGML GitHub repository for a period ending on the “Close request date” listed above. Comments received will be consolidated and reviewed by OGC members for incorporation into the document.


Conceptual Model, IndoorGML, UML