OGC API – Environmental Data Retrieval – Part 2: Publish-Subscribe Workflow
This standard defines building blocks that can be assembled to implement Publish-Subscribe workflows (discovery, topic structure, encoding) as part of OGC API — Environmental Data Retrieval — Part 1: Core. A topic structure is the structured information that a publisher makes available to allow subscribers to choose information of interest to them.
Document title | Version | OGC Doc No. | Type |
OGC API – Environmental Data Retrieval – Part 2: Publish-Subscribe Workflow | 1.0 | 23-057r1 | IS |
Official model files and encoding schemas
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Document title | Version | OGC Doc No. | Type |
OGC API Standards specify Web based capabilities that are typically based on polling for collection resource updates (new features, records, items, coverages, maps, etc.). Depending on a collection’s temporal resolution or frequency of updates, an event-driven / Publish-Subscribe architecture provides a timely, efficient and low latency approach for the delivery of data updates or notifications of updates. The OGC API — Environmental Data Retrieval — Part 2: Publish-Subscribe Workflow Standard provides recommendations on applying Publish-Subscribe architectural patterns to implementations of one or more OGC APIs.