This standard which comprises several parts originated in a community effort built around Amazon’s A9.com. OpenSearch is a collection of simple formats for the sharing of search results. This specification is currently being maintained on GitHub and is available under the Creative CC BY-SA 4.0 license, see: https://github.com/dewitt/opensearch/blob/master/LICENSE.txt. There are extensions for Earth Observation (EO) which specifies a series of additional parameters that can be used to constrain searches especially for EO collection and EO product metadata as well as Geo and Time to make spatial and temporal queries to a repository of geospatial content that contains geographic and temporal properties.
Document title | Version | OGC Doc No. | Type |
OGC® OpenSearch Extension for Earth Observation | 1.1 | 13-026r9 | IS |
OGC® OpenSearch Extension for Earth Observation | 1.0 | 13-026r8 | D-IS |
OGC® OpenSearch Geo and Time Extensions | 1.0 | 10-032r8 | IS |
OGC OpenSearch-EO GeoJSON(-LD) Response Encoding Standard | 1.0 | 17-047r1 | IS |
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The OpenSearch specification originated in a community effort built around Amazon’s A9.com. The specification was intended to allow syndication of search results that could then be aggregated by one large index. OpenSearch provides a simple to use description of the search interface, which is called an OpenSearch Description document (OSDD). A client (e.g., a browser) can use this description to check which response formats are supported and how a query/filter can be formulated.
This specification is currently being maintained at github.com/dewitt/opensearch and is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license (https://github.com/dewitt/opensearch/blob/master/LICENSE.txt).