
This encoding standard describes a set of rules and conventions for storing vector features, imagery tile matrix sets, raster map tile matrix sets and non-spatial tabular data in a SQLite database. The standard also describes rules for extending the capabilities of a GeoPackage.

Official model files and encoding schemas

Working Groups

With Version 1.1, the GeoPackage standard is stable. However, the GeoPackage Standards Working Group (SWG) is actively addressing issues and possible extensions. The GeoPackage SWG group has a public page at:

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A GeoPackage is an open, standards-based, platform-independent, portable, self-describing, compact format for transferring geospatial information. The GeoPackage standard describes a set of conventions for storing the following within a SQLite database:

  • vector features
  • tile matrix sets of imagery and raster maps at various scales
  • extensions

To be clear, a GeoPackage is the SQLite container and the GeoPackage Encoding Standard governs the rules and requirements of content stored in a GeoPackage container. The GeoPackage standard defines the schema for a GeoPackage, including table definitions, integrity assertions, format limitations, and content constraints. The required and supported content of a GeoPackage is entirely defined in the standard. 

Since a GeoPackage is a database container, it supports direct use. This means  that  data in a GeoPackage can be accessed and updated in a “native” storage format without intermediate format translations. GeoPackages that comply with the requirements in the standard  and do not implement vendor-specific extensions are interoperable across all enterprise and personal computing environments. GeoPackages are particularly useful on mobile devices such as cell phones and tablets in communications environments where there is limited connectivity and bandwidth. 

Additional Resources

Media Type

Public Site   For more information on GeoPackage including developer resources and information on in-progress work, please visit . For the official OGC member approved versions of the standard, see the Download information below.