Abstract Specification
The Abstract Specification provides the conceptual foundation for most OGC specification development activities. Open interfaces and protocols are built and referenced against the Abstract Specification, thus enabling interoperability between different brands and different kinds of spatial processing systems. It consists of several topic volumes, each one providing a specific set of abstract models, such as for metadata or geometry, as a foundation unit upon which to build OGC Standards.
Abstract Specification
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The OGC Abstract Specification is comprised of a number of Topic volumes. This document (Topic 0) is an overview of the OGC Abstract Specification. Each Topic addresses a specific set of abstract models, such as for metadata or geometry, as a foundation unit upon which to build OGC standards. The complete set of Topic volumes collectively form the OGC Abstract Specification[2].
OGC Abstract Specification Topics may originate from within the OGC membership or from another authoritative Standards Development Organization (SDO) or may be joint standards activities between OGC and the authoritative SDO. An authoritative SDO is an organization which operates on a consensus basis to develop standards.
The Abstract Specification is broken into Topics in order to enable parallel development and maintenance of different topics by different Standards Working Groups (SWGs).