Abstract Specification

The Abstract Specification provides the conceptual foundation for most OGC specification development activities. Open interfaces and protocols are built and referenced against the Abstract Specification, thus enabling interoperability between different brands and different kinds of spatial processing systems. It consists of several topic volumes, each one providing a specific set of abstract models, such as for metadata or geometry, as a foundation unit upon which to build OGC Standards.


(Hover over Type for full description)
Document title Version OGC Doc No. Type
Topic 0 – Overview 4.0 04-084r4 AS
Topic 1.0 – ISO 19107:2019 Geographic information — Spatial schema 0 19-092 AS
Topic 1.1 – Spatial schema 13.0 17-087r13 AS
Topic 2 – Referencing by coordinates (Including corrigendum 1 and corrigendum 2) 8.0 18-005r8 AS
Topic 5 – Features 0 08-126 AS
Topic 6.1 – Schema for Coverage Geometry and Functions – Part 1: Fundamentals 2.0 07-011r2 AS
Topic 6.3 – Schema for Coverage Geometry and Functions – Part 3: Processing Fundamentals 2.0 21-060r2 AS
Topic 7 – Earth Imagery 0 04-107 AS
Topic 8 – Relationships Between Features 2.0 99-108r2 AS
Topic 10 – Feature Collections 0 99-110 AS
Topic 11 – Metadata 1.0 11-111r1 AS
Topic 12 – The OpenGIS Service Architecture 0 02-112 AS
Topic 15 – Image Exploitation Services 1.0 00-115 AS
Topic 16 – Image Coordinate Transformation Services 0 00-116 AS
Topic 18 – Geospatial Digital Rights Management Reference Model (GeoDRM RM) 4.0 06-004r4 AS
Topic 19 – Geographic information – Linear referencing 0 10-030 AS
Topic 20 – Observations, measurements and samples 4.0 20-082r4 AS
Topic 21 – Discrete Global Grid Systems – Part 1 Core Reference system and Operations and Equal Area Earth Reference System 3.0 20-040r3 AS
Topic 22 – Core Tiling Conceptual and Logical Models for 2D Euclidean Space 3.0 19-014r3 AS
Topic 23 – GeoPackage Conceptual and Logical Model 1.0 21-053r1 AS
Topic 24 – Functional Model for Crustal Deformation 4.0 22-010r4 AS

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The OGC Abstract Specification is comprised of a number of Topic volumes. This document (Topic 0) is an overview of the OGC Abstract Specification. Each Topic addresses a specific set of abstract models, such as for metadata or geometry, as a foundation unit upon which to build OGC standards. The complete set of Topic volumes collectively form the OGC Abstract Specification[2].

OGC Abstract Specification Topics may originate from within the OGC membership or from another authoritative Standards Development Organization (SDO) or may be joint standards activities between OGC and the authoritative SDO. An authoritative SDO is an organization which operates on a consensus basis to develop standards.

The Abstract Specification is broken into Topics in order to enable parallel development and maintenance of different topics by different Standards Working Groups (SWGs).