Research in Action
COSI drives the adoption of OGC standards by showcasing the power of interoperability across sectors.
As an OGC member, you get to take part in cutting-edge research.
COSI Initiatives research the use OGC standards to address today’s global challenges: disaster resilience, marine spatial data infrastructures, smart cities and indoor mapping, to name a few. Some of our recently completed initiatives include:
- Mapping landslide, flood and pandemic impacts in Peru’s Rimac and Piura River basins.
- Assessing the effectiveness of the OGC API — Records standard in managing Arctic resources, exploring the use of navigational data and standards for improved coastal resilience in the Caribbean and creating 3D views of coastal inundation in Singapore.
- Developing a standardized health data model and SDI to improve early warning, response, and recovery efforts in future health emergencies.
Ongoing areas of research are listed below.
Current Initiatives
Federated Marine Spatial Data Infrastructure Pilot: Data Integration at the Land-Sea Interface
Where the sea meets the land, data, relationships and modeling concepts from two communities collide. Nevertheless, many scenarios require seamless, reliable and consistent integration of…
National Spatial Data Infrastructure Modernization Project
The US Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) has worked collaboratively with the Federal geospatial community, the National Geospatial Advisory Committee, stakeholders at the State and…
Advancing the Foundations of Interoperability About OGC Testbeds As the largest Research & Development (R&D) Initiatives conducted under OGC’s COSI Program, OGC Testbeds exist at…