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OGC announces Christy Monaco as new Chief Operating Officer

As OGC’s COO, Christy will use her experience with federal agencies, partnership-building, event management, and member success to help grow and shape the Consortium.

A recap of the 129th OGC Member Meeting, Montreal, Canada

Themed “Standards enabling collaboration for global challenges,” the meeting focused on discussing, aligning, supporting, and promoting geospatial solutions around climate change, disasters, marine, AI/ML, and beyond.

OGC Seeks Public Comment on OGC API – Features – Parts 4 & 5

Part 4 defines API building blocks that allow geospatial resources to be added to, replaced, modified and/or removed; while Part 5 specifies how to describe data using a logical schema.

Andreas Matheus receives OGC’s 2024 Gardels Award

Congratulations to Andreas Matheus, awarded the 2024 Gardels Award for his work to ensure best practices in security and API design in OGC.

Standards Enabling Collaboration For Global Challenges

A preview of the 129th Member Meeting, to be held June 17-21 in Montreal, Canada.

OGC seeks public comment on OGC CDB v1.3

CDB v1.3 adds the ability to use NAS and other feature dictionaries, a rework of the Gamma Tutorial, and four new texture types.

OGC Requests Public Comment on OGC API – Records – Part 1: Core

New OGC API makes geospatial resources Findable by standardizing the way that collections of descriptive information (metadata) about the resources is exposed.

Developers invited to the July 2024 Open Standards OGC Code Sprint

Registrations Open for OGC’s July 2024 Open Standards Code Sprint

While all OGC Standards are in scope, the Sprint will feature three special tracks on Data Quality & Artificial Intelligence, Validators, and Map Markup Language (MapML).

Advancing the Foundations of Interoperability: OGC Testbed-20 Calls For Participation

Testbed-20 will drive innovation at the foundations of geospatial data ecosystems, with new imagery, new HPC, and new data cubes.

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