OGC Open Modelling Interface (OpenMI)

This standard enables the runtime exchange of data between process simulation models as well as between models and other modelling tools such as databases and analytical and visualization applications. It originates from the domain of earth surface modelling but can be used in any domain where numerical models need to exchange data between them as they run.

The purpose of the Open Modelling Interface (OpenMI) is to enable the runtime exchange of data between process simulation models and also between models and other modelling tools such as databases and analytical and visualization applications. Its creation has been driven by the need to understand how processes interact and to predict the likely outcomes of those interactions under given conditions. A key design aim has been to bring about interoperability between independently developed modelling components, where those components may originate from any discipline or supplier. The ultimate aim is to transform integrated modelling into an operational tool accessible to all and so open up the potential opportunities created by integrated modelling for innovation and wealth creation.

This document defines the requirements that a component must meet to achieve OpenMI compliance. These comprise: 1) a very thin core set of requirements covering the information and functions needed to establish a link and make an exchange between two components and 2) a set of optional extensions for handling more complex situations. The document does not describe how to implement the standard. This information together with a range of software tools for creating and running OpenMI-­‐compliant components are provided by the OpenMI Association and third-­‐party software vendors – visit www.openmi.org for further documentation.