This 3-week virtual Code Sprint builds upon the successes of the OGC Vector Tiles Pilots and Testbeds, which resulted in the United States Geospatial Intelligence Standards Working Group (GWG) National System for Geospatial-Intelligence (NSG) Vector Tile Interoperability Standard (VTIS) Volume 1: Network Services. The results of the sprint were presented at the 129th OGC meeting in Montreal and the Engineering Report is now available here.
The Releasable Basemap Tiles GeoPackage Sprint intends to test and implement a draft specification for the NSG VTIS Volume 2: Basemap Tile Packages (BTP), which stores Mapbox Vector Tiles (MVTs) in an OGC GeoPackage in the World Mercator Projection (EPSG:3395). The Sprint will ensure that the NSG implementation is consistent with one or more of the GeoPackage Vector Tiles Community Extensions. This work will help to ensure that this specification is vetted against US Army requirements. This ensures that the GeoPackage VT implementation is fully evaluated and ready for inclusion as requirements within the US Army and other acquisition programs.
Releasable Basemap Tiles (RBT) is a prototype project aimed at creating a set of vector and raster map tiles using open-source data. RBT tiles are intended to be used as a basemap for Army, Joint, and Coalition exercises and operations, and is being looked at as a possible replacement for the current CADRG scanned maps. The RBT prototype builds on other vector tile-related pilots and prototypes sponsored by AGC and other US government agencies dating back to 2019.
During the sprint, all participants were actively involved in developing, testing, and validating interface and data specifications and Standards.
This Sprint was structured as an operational experiment event to simulate real operational settings. The objective was to refine and validate how to put RBTs in a GeoPackage against products, plans, policies, agreements, procedures, and real user activities.
This initiative has been conducted under the OGC Collaborative Solutions and Innovation Program (COSI).
Call for Participation
The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Call for Participation (CFP) for the Releasable Basemap Tiles GeoPackage Sprint is now closed. The CFP is available here as PDF or HTML .