National Spatial Data Infrastructure Modernization Project

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National SDI Modernization Project

The US Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) has worked collaboratively with the Federal geospatial community, the National Geospatial Advisory Committee, stakeholders at the State and Local level, and national geospatial organizations to develop a shared national vision, mission, and guiding principles for a National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI). 

The National Spatial Data Infrastructure will enable citizens, commercial entities, and all levels of government to contribute to and use a national network of geospatial resources that seamlessly integrates location‐based information to serve the needs of the Nation.   

Readily accessible and easy-to-use geospatial resources—including data, information, applications, and expertise—empower the Nation by enabling economic opportunities, improved understanding, in‐depth insight, and informed decision-making to address various economic, social, and environmental challenges. 

The OGC has now been commissioned to develop new ideas, concepts, and components to fundamentally modernize the national SDI in the United States. In a multi-year project, the OGC community will establish a national SDI hub that, in addition to providing essential information about the NSDI, will visualize it using various demonstrators. Join us on this exciting journey and help make the NSDI US more powerful, efficient, and better, thus maximizing the benefits for the economy and society. 

The National Spatial Data Infrastructure Modernization Project is sponsored by OGC Strategic Member the United States Geological Survey (USGS) and the Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC), with support from the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) and AmeriGEO.


AI/ML, OGC APIs, Spatial Data Infrastructure

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