How Our Compliance Program Works
OGC Compliance Program
“Achieving OGC certification is extremely important to us as an organization – we are proud to have more than 30 products compliant with OGC standards. Globally, OGC certification is a credential recognized when we approach new opportunities and business partners.” Stan Tillman, Hexagon
The OGC Compliance Program certifies that an organization’s solutions are compliant with OGC Standards. It is a universal credential that allows agencies, industry, and academia to better integrate their solutions. By testing your product or solution for compliance, you gain access to a community of experts and an in-depth understanding of standards-based best practices. OGC Compliance provides confidence that a product will seamlessly integrate with other compliant solutions regardless of the vendor that created them and helping them distinguish themselves in the marketplace.
What’s the difference between Certification and Registration?
Certified products have passed OGC Compliance tests and obtained the OGC Trademark License. Over 300 products are OGC certified.
Uncertified (or Registered products) are products that implement OGC standards and have been registered with the OGC by a vendor. Over 750 products implement OGC standards.
You can register your product or update your product information here.
How to test for Compliance?
We provide an online validation tool you can use to test your product or implementation. To learn more about certification, please refer to this guide. Tests are free to execute, and you can use the testing tool as often as you like. Visit the OGC Validator Site to get started.
Is there a charge for Compliance?
Compliance testing and product or implementation registration are free, but there’s an annual licensing fee to use the “Certified OGC Compliant” logo. Here’s our current fee schedule: