OGC’s 126th Member Meeting is here. Join us in Huntsville, where we will continue to connect location, show why standards matter, and share how interoperable...
Code Sprint focusing tiling standards (e.g., OGC API - Tiles, DGIWG/NSG WMTS Profiles, etc.) This will be a hybrid code sprint, with the face-to-face element...
HxGN LIVE is a digital reality technology event series built for the future, providing access to Hexagon’s latest sensor, software and autonomous technologies. Our goal...
In this webinar, we will show you how to leverage advance technologies and well-established open 3D terrain database standards to build real-time, photorealistic, immersive visualization...
A data festival for IT enthusiasts! Data Week offers a week-long programme of events focusing on data, digitalisation, artificial intelligence and urban development challenges.
FOSS4G (https://foss4g.org/) is the annual event organized by the Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) since 2006 and one of the largest global meetings on geospatial...