Urban Digital Twins: Integrating Infrastructure, natural environment and people

OGC Guidance for the Development of Model-Driven Standards

Mobility Data Science Discussion Paper

Discussion paper for Publish-Subscribe workflow in OGC APIs

Establishing the Framework of Disaster Early Warning Mechanisms – A Case Study of Slope Disaster

CDB X Conceptual Model with Prototyping Examples and Recommendations

Extensions of IndoorGML 1.1 – Indoor Affordance Spaces

The HDF5 profile for labeled point cloud data

OGC Conceptual Modeling Discussion Paper

OGC: Towards Data Cube Interoperability

OGC Technical Paper on the Standards Landscape for Building Data

Standardizing a Framework for Spatial and Spectral Error Propagation

Built environment data standards and their integration: an analysis of IFC, CityGML and LandInfra

An Extension Model to attach Points of Interest into IndoorGML

QB4ST: RDF Data Cube extensions for spatio-temporal components

Publishing and Using Earth Observation Data with the RDF Data Cube and the Discrete Global Grid System

Overview of the CoverageJSON format

OGC Body of Knowledge – Version 0.1 – Discussion Paper

An Experiment to Link Geo-Referenced Multimedia and CityGML Features

CityGML Urban Planning ADE for i-Urban Revitalization

Anchor Node Extension in IndoorGML – Seamless Navigation between Indoor and Outdoor Space

Proposed OGC GeoPackage Enhancements

Discussion Paper – JSON Encodings for EO Coverages

OGC CDB, Leveraging GeoPackage Discussion Paper


OGC SensorThings API Tasking Core Discussion Paper

GeoPackage / OWS Context Harmonization Discussion Paper

Geospatial Standardization of Distributed Ledger Technologies

OGC Moving Features Encoding Extension: netCDF

Ensuring Quality of User Experience with OGC Web Mapping Services – Discussion Paper

Technical report from the DGIWG Portrayal Technical Panel testing of SLD (1.1.0) for OGC

Standardized Information Models to Optimize Exchange, Reusability and Comparability of Citizen Science Data (SWE4CS)

OGC® Web Query Service

Comparing CityGML and IndoorGML based on a use case at Lotte World Mall

Spatial Data on the Web Use Cases & Requirements

OGC Benefits of Indoor Location – Use Case Survey of Lessons Learned and Expectations

AHA-ML (Active and Healthy Ageing Mark-up Language) an O&M profile – Discussion Paper

Implications for an OGC GeoPackage Symbology Encoding Standard

Use of Geography Markup Language (GML) for Aviation Data

Use Cases and Applications of the OGC Moving Features Standard: The Requirements for a Moving Feature API

OGC Observations and Measurements – JSON implementation

A Use-Case for Mobile Location Services with IndoorGML – Indoor Navigation for Visually Impaired People

Envisioning a Tiled Elevation Extension for the OGC GeoPackage Encoding Standard

OGC GeoPackage Plugfest Discussion Paper

Spatial Data on the Web Use Cases & Requirements

OGC Web Feature Service (WFS) Temporality Extension

OGC OpenSearch Extension for Correlated Search

OGC HY_Features: a Common Hydrologic Feature Model

OGC Geospatial eXensible Access Control Markup Language (GeoXACML) 3.0 GML 3.2.1 Encoding Extension

OGC GeoXACML and XACML Policy Administration Web Service (PAWS)

OGC Geospatial eXensible Access Control Markup Language (GeoXACML) 3.0 Core

WaterML2.0 – part 2: Ratings, Gaugings and Sections Discussion Paper

NetCDF Uncertainty Conventions

OGC Standard for Moving Features; Requirements

WaterML 2.0 – Timeseries – NetCDF Discussion Paper

Web Processing Service Best Practices Discussion Paper

WS-Agreement Application Profile for OGC Web Services

OGC® Event Service – Review and Current State

*FL Starfish Fungus Language for Sensor Description

License-Based Access Control

Guidance on the Aviation Metadata Profile

Requirements for Aviation Metadata

Requirements and Space-Event Modeling for Indoor Navigation

Sensor Observable Registry (SOR) Discussion Paper

Sensor Instance Registry Discussion Paper

Sensor Interface Descriptors

Harmonising Standards for Water Observation Data – Discussion Paper

sensorML Extension Package for ebRIM Application Profile

SANY Fusion and Modelling Architecture

Web View Service Discussion Paper

Draft for Candidate OpenGIS® Web 3D Service Interface Standard

GeoRM Role Model

Sensor Observable Registry Discussion Paper

CF-netCDF Encoding Specification

3D-Symbology Encoding Discussion Draft

Grid coverage Coordinate Reference Systems (CRSs)

OpenSearch Geospatial Extensions Draft Implementation Standard

Specification of the Sensor Service Architecture (SensorSA)

Uses and summary of Topic 2 – Spatial referencing by coordinates

OGC® Catalogue Services – OWL Application Profile of CSW

Sensor Web Enablement Application for Debris Flow Monitoring System in Taiwan

Web Coverage Service (WCS) 1.1 extension for CF-netCDF 3.0 encoding

Uncertainty Markup Language (UnCertML)

GML 3.2 implementation of XML schemas in 07-000

Event Pattern Markup Language (EML)

OpenGIS® Sensor Event Service Interface Specification

OWS-5 KML Engineering Report

OWS-5 GeoProcessing Workflow Architecture Engineering Report

OWS-5 Conflation Engineering Report

OWS-5 WCS JPIP Coverage Subsetting Engineering Report

OWS-5 Earth Observation Web Processing Services (WPS) Engineering Report

OWS 5 Engineering Report: Supporting Georeferenceable Imagery

Summary of the OGC Web Services, Phase 5 (OWS-5) Interoperability Testbed

OWS-5 GeoRM License Broker Discussion Paper

OWS5: OGC Web feature service, core and extensions

OWS-5 Considerations for the WCTS Extension of WPS

OWS-5 CITE Summary Engineering Report

OGC OWS-5 Engineering Report on WCPS

OGC® OWS-5 ER: GSIP Schema Processing

OGC® OWS-5 Engineering Report: Local MSD Implementation Profile (GML 3.2.1)

Feature Type Catalogue Extension Package for ebRIM (ISO/TS 15000-3) Profile of CSW 2.0

OWS-5 Data View Architecture Engineering Report

OGC® Canadian Geospatial Data Infrastructure WFS and GML Best Practices

OGC® Loosely Coupled Synchronization of Geographic Databases in the Canadian Geospatial Data Infrastructure Pilot

OGC® Canadian Geospatial Data Infrastructure Summary Report

OWS 5 SOAP/WSDL Common Engineering Report

FedEO Pilot Engineering Report

Wrapping OGC HTTP-GET/POST Services with SOAP

OGC Web Services Summaries

Web Coordinate Transformation Service

Compliance Test Engine Interoperability Program Report

GeoDRM Engineering Viewpoint and supporting Architecture

OWS 4 WFS Temporal Investigation

OGC Web Services Architectural Profile for the NSG

The Specification Model — Structuring an OGC specification to encourage implementation

Feature Styling IPR

OWS-4 CSW ebRIM Modelling Guidelines IPR

Discussions, findings, and use of WPS in OWS-4

OWS4 – Topology Quality Assessment Interoperability Program Report

Frame image geopositioning metadata GML 3.2 application schema


Local MSD Implementation Profile (GML 3.2.1)

OGC Web Services Architecture for CAD GIS and BIM

OWS-4 Workflow IPR

GeoDDS Mass Market (formerly GeoRSS) Interoperability Program Report

Trusted Geo Services IPR

Requirements for some specific simple solid, plane and line geometry types

OWS Integrated Client (GeoDSS Client)

Geographic information – Rights expression language for geographic information – Part xx: GeoREL

Geospatial Semantic Web Interoperabiltiy Experiment Report

WMS – Proposed Animation Service Extension

EO Application Profile for CSW 2.0

OWS3 GML Topology Investigation

Access Control & Terms of Use (ToU) “Click-through” IPR Management

Catalog 2.0 Accessibility for OWS3

GML Performance Investigations by CubeWerx

Schema Maintenance and Tailoring

OGC Web Services (OWS) 3 UGAS Tool

Temporal Standard Recommendations

OWS 3 GML Investigations – Performance Experiment by Galdos Systems

OWS-3 Imagery Workflow Experiments: Enhanced Service Infrastructure Technology Architecture and Standards in the OWS-3 Testbe

Geo Video Web Service

GML Point Profile

WMS Change Request: Support for WSDL & SOAP

OWS-2 Application Schema Development

Image CRSs for IH4DS

Imagery Metadata

OWS 2 Common Architecture: WSDL SOAP UDDI

Web Image Classification Service (WICS)

Some image geometry models

OWS1.2 Image Handling Requirements

OWS1.2 Image Handling Design

Geospatial Portal Reference Architecture

Geolinking Service

Geolinked Data Access Service

Service Information Model

Web Services Architecture

OGC Web Services SOAP Experiment Report

OGC Web Services UDDI Experiment

OWS Messaging Framework

WMS Part 2: XML for Requests using HTTP Post

Web Terrain Server

XML for Image and map Annotation.