Completed COSI Initiatives

We have completed more than 100 initiatives, delivered tens of millions of project dollars and shown the value of standards and interoperable technology time and time again.

Below you’ll find an alphabetical list of completed COSI initiatives. Each entry includes a short summary of objectives and activities—and, where applicable, links to outputs. If you would like more details on any of these initiatives, please contact us

3D Data Container and Tiles Pilot 

The goal of the 3D Data Container and Tiles API Pilot was to explore an integrated suite of draft specifications for 3D geospatial resources, compatible with existing OGC 3D delivery standards such as the 3D Portrayal Service, I3S, and 3D Tiles Community Standard. Final Participant Videos are on the OGC 3D Container and Tile API YouTube channel here 

3D Data Container and Tiles API Pilot Summary Engineering Report (20-031) 

3D Data Container Engineering Report(20-029) PDF 

3D IoT Platform for Smart Cities Pilot 

This initiative advanced the use of open standards for integrating environmental, building, and IoT data in Smart Cities. It focused on the capabilities to be supported by a 3D IoT Smart City Platform under CityGML, IndoorGML, and SensorThings API. Scenarios explored included real-time monitoring of micro-dust and indoor occupancy. Demo videos from Pilot participants are here. 

OGC 3D-IoT Platform for Smart Cities Engineering Report (19-073r1) 

3D Portrayal IE 

The 3D Portrayal Interoperability Experiment (IE) successfully tested and demonstrated different mechanisms for the portrayal, delivery, and exploitation of 3D geodata based on open standards-based formats and services. The IE intended to identify, test, and further develop technologies and workflows that may be the foundation of spatial data infrastructures with a requirement for rapid visualization of extremely large and complex 3D geodata. 

OGC 3D Portrayal Interoperability Experiment (12-075) 

AAtS Harmonization Project 

The project focused on harmonizing AAtS with RTCA SC-206 (architecture and requirements), ARINC 830 Air Ground Information Exchange (AGIE) and OGC standards. 

Aircraft Access to SWIM (AAtS) Harmonization Architecture Report (14-086r1) 

AECOO-1 Testbed 

Effective design, construction and management of buildings and other capital facilities requires information exchange among all disciplines and professions that have a stake in the design, construction and operation of those facilities. The AECOO-1 Testbed looked at streamlining communications between parties in the conceptual design phase to get an early understanding of the trade-offs between construction cost and energy efficiency. 

Architecture, Engineering, Construction, Owner Operator Phase 1 (AECOO-1) (10-003r1) 

API Concept Development Study 

The emphasis of this CDS was how APIs could be developed and used in a consistent interoperable manner in the geospatial community.  

Arctic Spatial Data Pilot 

The Arctic Spatial Data Pilot (Arctic SDP) was initiated to demonstrate the diversity, richness and value of providing geospatial data using International Standards in support of Spatial Data infrastructures and how they help stakeholders to gain new perspectives into social, economic, and environmental issues, by providing an online network of resources that improves the sharing, use and integration of information tied to geographic locations in North America, the Arctic, and around the world. 

Phase 1 Report: Spatial Data Sharing for the Arctic May 10, 2016 

Authentication IE 

The Authentication Interoperability Experiment tested standard ways of transferring authentication information between OGC clients and OGC services by leveraging mechanisms already existing in the transport protocol (HTTP and SOAP). 

Authentication for OGC Web Services (10-192) 

Aviation SAA Pilot 

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) SAA Dissemination OGC Pilot demonstrated the feasibility of automating the dissemination and portrayal of Special Activity Airspace (SAA) information (including updates) to National Airspace System (NAS) stakeholders and other external users via OGC Web Services. 

Aircraft Access to SWIM (AAtS) Harmonization Architecture Report Engineering Report(14-086r1)  

Borehole Interoperability Experiment 

The Borehole Interoperability Experiment aimed at creating reusable components to represent the concept of a Borehole. The concept of a drilled hole in the ground has multiple names that are more or less synonymous: Borehole, Bore, Well or Wellbore. Wells are usually restricted to a borehole used to extract something, while borehole often refers to the hole itself. Given that several communities rely on information acquired by drilling a hole in the ground, an IE was established to look at possible harmonization of some of the common concepts. 

Borehole Interoperability Experiment Engineering Report (19-075r1) 

Building Energy Mapping and Analytics CDS 

This study addressed the challenge of a lack coordination between Canadian Municipalities in the mapping and analysis of the energy consumption of buildings, resulting in differing methodologies, duplication of effort, lost energy savings, and lost opportunities for decarbonization, climate change mitigation, and climate resilience. 

Building Energy Mapping and Analytics: Concept Development Study Report (20-083r2) PDF 

CDB Vector Data in GeoPackage Interoperability Experiment 

The CDB Vector Data in GeoPackage Interoperability Experiment tested encodings of vector data via GeoPackage in the OGC CDB 1.1 Standard and Best Practices. A primary objective of this IE was to inform decision making for possible enhancements in the OGC CDB Standards Working Group (SWG). 

OGC CDB Vector Data in GeoPackage Interoperability Experiment Engineering Report (19-007) PDF 


The vision of CYBELE is to generate innovation and create value in the domain of agri-food in general, and several of its verticals . For more details visit OGC supported  the CYBELE Common Semantic Data Model design and standardization activities. 

CYBELE Common semantic model (Version a) (2019) 

Citizen Observatory Web (COBWEB) 

COBWEB was an EU funded initiative that conducted research into the feasibility of creating a common generic framework for mobile device apps for use in citizen science for environmental monitoring, using the UNESCO World Network of Biosphere Reserves as a testbed. COBWEB’s impact was  particularly evident in how citizen involvement using new technology in environmental governance is viewed in Wales. Standards were an important organising principle for COBWEB from the start and formed much of the context for the work undertaken. 

Final Report Summary – COBWEB (Citizen Observatory Web) (2016) 

Citizen Science Interoperability Experiment (CitSciIE) 

The CitSciIE was designed to demonstrate how Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) tools can be applied together in a standard way to better enable citizens to participate in Citizen Science projects, as well as improve the reusability of the data gathered, overcoming the isolation of individual initiatives. For more details visit the CitSciIE website

Standardized Information Models to Optimize Exchange, Reusability and Comparability of Citizen Science Data (16-129) 

CityGML Challenge 

The Challenge tasked software developers to configure visualisation software tools to support the capabilities of CityGML version 3, including dynamic data feeds from a range of sensors. Claus Nagel and Thomas Adolphi of virtualcitySYSTEMS were chosen as the winning team and benefitted from a £5,000 cash prize. Developers were encouraged to configure visualisation software tools to support the capabilities of version 3 of CityGML, including dynamic data feeds from a range of sensors. Ordnance Survey and Manchester City Council supplied datasets for use. The winning entry was selected because it provided the most comprehensive data integration environment, 3D analysis tools, and the integration of a variety of other OGC standards. 

CityGML Quality IE 

CityGML QIE defined data quality requirements for a general CityGML data specification, provided implementation guidance for 3D data and a suite of essential quality checking tools to carry out quality assurance on CityGML data. 

Climate Resilience Pilot 

The objective of this pilot was to help the location community develop more powerful visualization and communication tools to accurately address ongoing climate threats such as heat, drought, floods, and fires as well as supporting nationally determined targets for greenhouse gas emission reduction. 

OGC Climate Resilience Pilot (23-020r2) PDF 

Climatology-Hydrology Information Sharing Pilot, Phase 1 

The objective of the CHISP-1 initiative was to develop an inter-disciplinary, inter-agency and international virtual observatory system for water resources information from observations in the U.S. and Canada, building on current networks and capabilities. 

CHISP-1 Engineering Report (13-053r1) 


DEMETER is a large-scale deployment of farmer-driven, interoperable smart farming-IoT (Internet of Things) based platforms, delivered through a series of 20 pilots across 18 countries (15 EU countries) demonstrating how different systems and data sources can be integrated. These include data collected on the ground, satellite data and data derived from simulation models. OGC brought together stakeholders, to identify commonalities and differences, and to investigate them in a variety of pilot projects as examples establishing an Agriculture Information Model Standards Working Group (AIM SWG). 

OGC Agriculture Information Model SWG Charter (23-009) 

Data Cube Interoperability 

Data Cubes which are multidimensional arrays of data, are used extensively, but differences in design, interfaces, and handling of temporal characteristics create interoperability challenges for anyone interacting with more than one solution. To address these challenges, OGC and the Group on Earth Observation (GEO) invited global data cube experts to discuss the state-of-the-art and a way forward at the “Towards Data Cube Interoperability” workshop with a series of presentations: 

Alex Leith from Geoscience Australia represented the Open Data Cube (ODC) Steering Council. In his Open Data Cube presentation, he introduced a framework that builds the foundation for many data cube instances that are currently in use 

Baudouin Raoult from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) presented the Hypercube, an impressive multi-cube setup with more than 300PB of data, serving, shared between the numerical weather prediction and observation cube (MARS) and the climate data store, up to 300TB/day to thousands of users. 

Edzer Pebesma from Münster University Germany emphasized the importance of creating reproducible Earth observation science with data cubes. 

Peter Baumann with Rasdaman shared experiences about data cube design and usage in various communities, including the OGC/ISO coverage model, in particular the grid coverage type, INSPIRE, ISO SQL and Multi Dimensional Arrays (MDA), as well as Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) queries in the OLAP cube 

Grega Milcinski from Sinergise described how the Euro Data Cube developed an API with the user in focus to avoid any possible constraints coming from existing standards. 

Gilberto Queiroz and Karine Ferreira from INPE, Brazil, explained the importance of the various processing steps required to eventually incorporate data into a data cube to satisfy the specific requirements set by machine learning applications. 

Peter Strobl, JRC, Italy, emphasizes the fundamental differences between the user s perspective (how data is stored and organised on disk) and the user s perspective (how it is presented to users through APIs). 

Stefano Natali and Simone Mantovani from MEEO discussed the data provider perspective as implemented in their data cube technology developed in-house. 

Stephan Meißl together with Stefan Achtsnit, EOX, Austria, shared their approach implemented in the Euro Data Cube EOxHub Workspace 

One key result of the workshop was a new definition of a data cube. This new definition goes beyond classical computer science, seeing data cubes as views on data paired with processing functions that can be executed on these data. 

OGC: Towards Data Cube Interoperability (21-067) 


OGC participated in the EU funded DATABIO project focussing on standardization work. DataBio examined the best possible raw materials from agriculture, forestry and fishery/aquaculture for the bioeconomy industry to produce food, energy and biomaterials considering various responsibility and sustainability issues. OGC contributed to the development of the DATABIO architecture and big data platform. These activities were closely linked to the Testbed-13 thread “Earth Observation Clouds”. For more details visit 

Disaster Pilot 2021 

This pilot tested the end-to-end information flow for to all phases of disaster management, with an emphasis on first responders and other end users. A recording of the final demo event is here

OGC Disaster Pilot JSON-LD Structured Data Engineering Report (21-054) PDF 

OGC Disaster Pilot 2021 Engineering Report (21-064) PDF 

OGC Disaster Pilot: Provider Readiness Guide (21-074r2) PDF 

OGC Disaster Pilot: User Readiness Guide (21-075r2) PDF 

Disaster Pilot 2023 

This pilot supported the UN’s global sustainable development goals of Agenda 2030, as well as the goals of the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction. It sought stakeholder collaboration on workflows between data and decision and explored the readiness, resilience and timeliness of data collection and processing to support key disaster management decisions. Watch a video here

Disasters Interoperability Concept Development Study 

The focus of this study was to understand how to best support the development of, or combination of SDI(s) for the use in disasters, to advance the understanding of stakeholder issues, and serve stakeholders needs. 

Development of Disaster Spatial Data Infrastructures for Disaster Resilience (18-087r5) 

Disasters Pilot 2019 

This pilot focused on the demonstration of the usefulness of standards and SDI architecture within the Disaster community. It built on previous work that was executed as the Disasters Interoperability Concept Development Study (CDS). 

EO Cloud Platform CDS 

This project explored how applications of Earth observations can be better used by providing an architecture for platforms where data can be stored, processed and shared across systems. 

Earth Observation Cloud Platform Concept Development Study Report (21-023) 

ESIP and OGC API – Coverages and Processing Analytics Sprint 

This agile development sprint was a joint event convened by Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP) and the OGC to advance APIs for analytics on coverages, arrays, and gridded data. 


e-shape was a flagship European project bringing together key European actors to ensure the optimal implementation of EuroGEO and, eventually, the delivery of EO-based benefits to a wide range of stakeholders in key societal areas. For more details visit the e-shape website

Earth System Grid Federation (ESGF) Compute Challenge 

This initiative focussed on advancing an Execution Management System (EMS) to support Web Processing Service (WPS) climate processes deployed on the Earth System Grid Federation (ESGF). The work was a continuation of the Earth Observation & Clouds (EOC) thread of Testbed-14 

OGC Earth System Grid Federation (ESGF) Compute Challenge Engineering Report (19-003) PDF 

Earth Observation Applications Pilot 

The pilot explored an Earth Observation Application software architecture that was developed in OGC Testbeds 13-15. The architecture allows the deployment and execution of externally developed applications on Earth Observation data and processing platforms. The recording of the Earth Observation Applications-to-the-Data Architecture Webinar, presented live on September 8, 2020, provides a great overview of the key results. Further results are available on the OGC YouTube channel 

OGC Earth Observation Applications Pilot Summary Engineering Report (20-073) PDF 

OGC Earth Observation Applications Pilot: CRIM Engineering Report (20-045) PDF 

OGC Earth Observation Applications Pilot: EOX-Sinergise-DLR-UVT-Terrasigna Engineering Report (20-043) PDF 

OGC Earth Observation Applications Pilot: Pixalytics Engineering Report (20-037) PDF 

OGC Earth Observation Applications Pilot: SatCen Engineering Report (20-038) PDF 

OGC Earth Observation Applications Pilot: Spacebel Engineering Report (20-034) PDF 

OGC Earth Observation Applications Pilot: Terradue Engineering Report (20-042) PDF 

Earth Observation Exploitation Platform Hackathon 2018 

The goal of this hackathon was to demonstrate that the Testbed-13 results, described in the Engineering Reports OGC Testbed-13: Exploitation Platform Application Package (OGC 17-023) and OGC Testbed-13: Application Deployment and Execution Service (OGC 17-024) were fit for purpose and this identify the best solution and any missing elements as basis for Testbed-14. A recording of the webinar can be downloaded following this link (23MB file)

OGC Earth Observation Exploitation Platform Hackathon 2018 Engineering Report (18-046) PDF 

Earth Observation and ENVironmental modelling for the mitigation of HEAlth risks 

EO2HEAVEN contributed to a better understanding of the complex relationships between environmental changes and their impact on human health. The project monitored changes induced by human activities, with emphasis on atmospheric, river, lake and coastal marine pollution. The results of EO2Heaven were published in the EO2Heaven Book

Energy Utilities Data Sharing for Wildfires Study 

The goal of this initiative was to advance the interoperability of information systems to help energy utility companies in wildfire risk reduction, response, recovery and resilience. The Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. (EPRI) and the OGC worked together to advance understanding and prototyping activities related to interoperability across systems required to better respond and plan for a wildfire. 

Environmental Linked Features Interoperability Experiment (ELFIE) 

ELFIE tested OGC and W3C standards with the goal of establishing a best practice for exposing links between and among environmental domain and sampling features in a highly adoptable standards compliant way that is compatible with modern web search technology. A summary can be found here

OGC Environmental Linked Features Interoperability Experiment Engineering Report (18-097) PDF 

European Location Framework 

The goal of this project was to deliver the European Location Framework (ELF) required to provide up-to-date, authoritative, interoperable, cross-border, reference geo-information for use by the European public and private sectors. It was undertaken by a consortium of 30 partners across Europe (including the OGC), whose work was co-funded by the European Commission. Download the ELF White Paper. 

Federated Marine SDI Phase 3 

The theme of this initiative was Connecting Land and Sea to Protect the Arctic Environment. The pilot was conducted between July 2022 and February 2023 and examined what marine data services (from spatial data infrastructures, from web portals, and directly accessible data in the cloud) can currently do and where there are still shortcomings. This was supplemented by an online survey of what additional data are of interest and for what areas they can be used. Participants developed demonstration videos showing how data can be discovered, accessed, used, and reused, shared, processed, analyzed, and visualized using OGC APIs and IHO S-100 data. 

Towards a Federated Marine SDI: Connecting Land and Sea to Protect the Arctic Environment Engineering Report (23-010) PDF 

Federated Marine SDI 2023 

The theme of this initiative was connecting Land and Sea for Global Awareness. The FMSDI 2023 ran from September 2021 to January 2023 and tasked itself with researching the reliable data available in this area and how it could be efficiently integrated into workflows for analyzing the effects of climate change on our coastal areas. The project summarized results from three coastal regions that are particularly affected by the consequences of climate change: the Canadian Arctic (Digital Arctic Connecting Land and Sea), the Caribbean islands (Integrating Land & Sea for Various Use Cases), and the Republic of Singapore (Digital Twin of Land and Sea Interfaces). Presentations are available on the FSMDI 2023 YouTube Playlist

Federated Marine Spatial Data Infrastructure Pilot 2023 – Connecting Land and Sea for Global Awareness (23-027) 

Federated Marine SDI Phase 4 

The theme of this initiative was to enhance Marine Spatial Data Infrastructure (MSDIs). The pilot sought to understand MSDI maturity better and demonstrate the power of FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) data in the context of the marine environment. Its goal was to further advance the interoperability and usage of Marine Protected Area (MPA) data through the implementation of the IHO standard S-122 and several OGC API standards. Presentations are available on the FMSDI Phase 4 YouTube playlist

Towards a Federated Marine SDI: IHO and OGC standards applied to Marine Protected Area Data Engineering Report (22-013r3) 

Fusion Standards Study, Part 2: Decision Fusion 

This study made recommendations for data fusion, with a focus on geospatial information. In this ER, fusion is discussed in three categories: observation (sensor) fusion, object/feature fusion, and decision fusion. 

Fusion Standards Study, Phase 2 Engineering Report (10-184) 

Future City Pilot, Phase 1 

The objective of the pilot project was to demonstrate how use of, CityGML data and IFC data together can provide stakeholders with information, knowledge and insight which enhances financial, environmental, and social outcomes for citizens living in cities. 

Future City Pilot 1: Using IFC/CityGML in Urban Planning Engineering Report (16-097) PDF 

Future City Pilot 1 Engineering Report (16-098) PDF 

Future City Pilot 1 – Automating Urban Planning Using Web Processing Service Engineering Report (16-099) PDF 

Future City Pilot 1 – Recommendations on Serving IFC via WFS (16-115) PDF 

GeoMobile and Internet of Things 

Access to the Internet is predominantly from mobile devices including smart phones and machine-to-machine interactions. Most information exchanged in mobile internet includes spatial components.  This Interoperability Program aimed to help develop the consensus standards infrastructure necessary to achieve the full societal, economic and scientific benefits of location information in mobile applications worldwide. 

GeoPackage Elevation Extension Interoperability Experiment 

This interoperability experiment (GPKG-EE IE) tested a proposed extension to the OGC GeoPackage Encoding Standard (12-128r1). Testing was achieved by building GeoPackages using the proposed extension and then using those GeoPackages in visualization and analysis software. An elevation extension was required to store tiled gridded elevation data in a GeoPackage to support a variety of visualization and analysis operations 

Geospatial Enhancement for the National Information Exchange Model (NIEM) (Geo4NIEM) 

In a demonstration that concluded the Geo4NIEM project, working from a scenario in which a hurricane strikes New York City, the initiative’s technology provider participants showed how enhanced geospatial capabilities enable situational awareness through the ability to identify, process, and comprehend critical information about an incident. 

Summary and Recommendations of the Geospatial Enhancement for the National Information Exchange Model (Geo4NIEM) Interoperability Program Pilo (13-054r1 

Geospatial to the Edge Interoperability Plugfest 

The geospatial communities supporting defense, emergency response, and intelligence rely on geospatial data and open standards to accomplish their missions. The Plugfest assisted tool enhancement and provided guidance to improve the delivery of enterprise geospatial data to end users. In this initiative, a Plugfest was used to bring more than thirteen data/service producers and clients of data following National System for Geospatial Intelligence (NSG) profiles. 

Geospatial to the Edge Plugfest Engineering Report (18-084) 

Geospatially Enabled Ecosystem for Europe (GeoE3) 

The Geospatial Enabled Ecosystem for Europe (GeoE3) project finished at the end of February 2024. With a high-level consortium of leading national mapping and cadastral agencies, the project made a significant contribution to Europe’s digital transformation by providing collaborative solutions to the challenges facing Europe. Learn more about the GeoE3 project.  As part of the project an e-learning academy was developed. 

Geotech IE 

The objective of this experiment was to develop a common conceptual model for describing geotechnical engineering data that bridges existing specifications for encoding those data and which could be integrated across OGC and buildingSMART International Standards

Geotech Interoperability Experiment Engineering Report (24-008) PDF 

HDWG Forecasting IE 

This interoperability experiment advanced the development of WaterML 2.0 standard testing its use in a forecasting context with various OGC service standards (SOS, SES, WFS, WMS and WCS). Additionally it contributed to the development and evaluation of a hydrology domain feature model and vocabularies, essential for interoperability in the hydrology domain. 

HDWG Groundwater 2 IE 

This groundwater interoperability experiment (GW2IE) developed and tested the GroundWater Markup Language 2, by harmonizing and advancing existing modeling initiatives such as: GWML1, relevant EU-INSPIRE models (Geology-hydrogeology, Environmental monitoring facilities), GeoSciML, and others. 

HDWG Groundwater IE 

The GW IE was designed to: (1) test the use of both WaterML 2 and Groundwater ML (GWML) with the SOS and WFS OGC web services, respectively, (2) test compatibility with industry software clients, and (3) to facilitate sharing of massive volumes of sensor-based water level observations and related water-well features across the Canada and USA border. See the GW IE twiki for details. 

Groundwater Interoperability Experiment 10-194r3 Final Report 

HDWG Surface Water IE 

This interoperability experiment advanced the development of WaterML 2.0, test its use with various OGC service standards (SOS, WFS, WMS and CSW). It also contributed to the development of a hydrology domain feature model and vocabularies, which are essential for interoperability in the hydrology domain. 

Health Spatial Data Infrastructure 

This initiative aimed to map a path to a global, Pandemic Early Warning, Response, and Recovery Platform that will ensure the world will not again face endless lockdowns, complete disruption of entire societies, unprecedented job losses and trillions of dollars in economic costs due to an unexpected contagious disease. 

Health Spatial Data Infrastructure CDS 

This study engaged the health and geospatial communities across industry, government, academia and research organizations in the evaluation of the current state of and defining the future state of geospatial data requirements for Health SDI’s through an examination of responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Health Spatial Data Infrastructure Concept Development Study Engineering Report (21-021) PDF 

IDBE Pilot 

This pilot explored the state-of-the-art in geospatial and BIM data integration based on meaningful real-world use cases. This initiative was supported by buildingSMART International, a vendor-neutral and not for profit body that leads the development of open digital information flows across the built asset industry. 

IMIS – Virtual USA 

Virtual USA has become the de facto national standard for sharing emergency management information across levels of government and the private sector, allowing all users and organizations to use their own systems to share information securely with all others, anywhere in the United States and across international borders, controlling what information is shared, with whom, for how long. 

Incident Management Information Sharing (IMIS) Internet of Things (IOT) Pilot 

The Incident Management Information Sharing Internet of Things Pilot Project (IMIS IoT Pilot) was sponsored by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) and the IJIS Institute.  The IMIS IoT Pilot produced initial specifications, profiles, best practices and demonstration designs for connecting sensors and response information systems in an ad hoc fashion for management of such first responder incidents. 

Incident Management Information Sharing Profile Recommendations for OGC Web Services Engineering Report(15-118r1) PDF 

Incident Management Information Sharing (IMIS) Internet of Things (IoT) Architecture Engineering Report(16-014r2) PDF 

Incident Management Information Sharing (IMIS) Internet of Things (IoT) Extension Engineering Report Engineering Report(16-092r2) PDF 

Incident Management Information Sharing Internet of Things Protocol Mapping Engineering Report(16-093r1) PDF 

Indian Plugfest 

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) and the Department of Science & Technology (DST) under the Government of India conducted the OGC India Plugfest 2017 (OIP-2017). The OIP-2017 was targeted at enhancing the interoperability among geospatial products and web services based on OGC standards within the Indian Geospatial Information (GI) community. 

India Plugfest – 2017 (OIP-2017) Engineering Report (18-009) 

Indoor Mapping and Navigation Pilot 

The OGC Indoor Mapping and Navigation Pilot Initiative was sponsored by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Public Safety Communications Research (PSCR) Division. It addressed key challenges related to indoor mapping and navigation for the purpose of supporting first responders in fields such as firefighting. The focus of this initiative was on developing the capabilities and workflows required for pre-planning operations. This included scanning each building to produce a point cloud dataset and converting this source data into various intermediate forms to support the generation of indoor navigation routes. 

OGC Indoor Mapping and Navigation Pilot Engineering Report (18-089) PDF 

OGC Indoor Mapping and Navigation Pilot: Public Safety Features CityGML ADE Engineering Report (19-032) PDF 

Interoperable Simulation and Gaming (ISG) Sprint (Year 1) 

The goal of the Sprint was to advance the use of relevant OGC and Khronos standards in the modeling and simulation community through practical exercise and testing of the draft specification produced by the 3D Data Container and Tiles API Pilot. View the YouTube Playlist

Interoperable Simulation and Gaming Sprint Engineering Report (20-087) 

Interoperable Simulation and Gaming Year 2 

This was a continuation of the previous ISG Sprint. Of particular interest was the use of glTF models, game engines, and 3rd-party mobile device libraries for the display and interaction with data using OGC APIs. Additional results are demonstrated in this YouTube Playlist

Interoperable Simulation and Gaming Sprint Year 2 Engineering Report (21-058) 

Joint OGC OSGeo ASF Code Sprint 2021 

This Code Sprint was held from 17 to 19 February 2021 to advance support of open geospatial standards within the developer community, whilst also advancing the standards themselves. The code sprint was hosted by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), the Apache Software Foundation (ASF), and Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo). The event was sponsored by Ordnance Survey (OS) and GeoCat BV, and held as a completely virtual event. 

Joint OGC OSGeo ASF Code Sprint 2021 Summary Engineering Report(21-008) PDF 

MOSIA Lot 1 Project 

Mosia stands for MOdeling Support with standards for Information and Architecture models applied to ATM. This project held a workshop with the object of leveraging international standards and a model-driven approach to setup aeronautical information Services and Discover and Bind to Services at Run-Time and Process/Portray 3D-Aeronautical Information. 

Marine Spatial Data Infrastructure (MSDI) – CDS 

Marine Spatial Data Infrastructure Concept Development Study (MSDI-CDS) assessed the current state of data management and exchange technologies used in the marine domain. The marine domain describes all phenomena and activities that occur within, around, or are related to the space of earth s inland waters, seas and oceans. supported by the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency

Development of Spatial Data Infrastructures for Marine Data Management (19-025r1) 

Maritime Limits and Boundaries (MLB) Pilot 

The pilot advanced the implementation of the S-121 data model and architecture, and implemented operational prototypes to support the creation, management, integration, dissemination and onward use of official data for maritime baselines, limits, zones and boundaries. The International Hydrographic Organisation (IHO) developed the S-121 Maritime Limits and Boundaries standard. The S-121 standard supports the digital data structure and exchange formats for maritime limits and boundaries. The MLB Pilot videos have been posted as a playlist on YouTube

Maritime Limits and Boundaries Pilot: Engineering Report (20-013r4) 

MilOps Geospatial Interoperability Experiment (MOGIE) 

The purpose of this experiment was to ensure interoperability of the MilOps Domain with OGC standards and tools built on those standards. This experiment demonstrated that the MilOps Domain model and NIEM v2.1 technical concepts work in combination with geospatial standards as defined by the OGC (e.g., GML, WFS, WCS, WMS, etc.). 

Military Operations Geospatial Interoperability Experiment (MOGIE) (13-080r3) 

Mixed Reality to the Edge CDS 

The goal of this Concept Development Study (CDS) was to demonstrate to stakeholders the diversity, richness and value of new and emerging technologies for 3d processing, curation, and analytics in support of users in potentially disconnected computing environments. Specifically, consider from an interoperability perspective what data sources, technologies, analytics and associated IT services that were required for addressing the needs for the convergence of geospatial 3d modelling, simulation, and gaming integrated with machine learning for automated 3d workflows for such activities as enhanced decision support, mission rehearsal, and/or situational understanding. This included the role of AI along with AR and VR for enhanced visualization and decision support. 

Mixed Reality to the Edge Concept Development Study (19-030r1) 

Modernizing SDI: Data Interoperability for Cumulative Effects CDS 

The goal of the Concept Development Study (CDS) was to explore key emerging standards and technologies and propose possible approaches and methods that can subvert more traditional, time and resource heavy data standard approaches, to arrive at enhanced geospatial data interoperability. Here are links to the outcomes webinar & slide decks: CDS Outcomes Webinar Recording (English), CDS Outcomes Webinar Slide Deck (English), CDS Outcomes Webinar Recording (French). CDS Outcomes Webinar Slide Deck (French)

Modernizing SDI: Enabling Data Interoperability for Regional Assessments and Cumulative Effects CDS (21-013) 


OGC was engaged in the EU NextGEOSS project, a European contribution to GEOSS, proposes which aimed to develop the next generation centralised hub for Earth Observation data, where the users can connect to access data and deploy Earth Observation based applications. OGC’s main role, besides task coordination, was to engage with the GEO Data Providers, GEO activities and Foundational Tasks and to bring the results back into the standards process and promote the re-use in related standards and technology. For more details visit the NextGEOSS Data Catalogue

OGC API Code Sprint (May 2021) 

The goal of the code sprint was to progress the development of the draft OGC API standards for Maps, Tiles and Styles. 

May 2021 OGC API Code Sprint Summary Engineering Report(21-042) PDF 

OGC API Code Sprint (July 2021) 

The goal of the code sprint was to progress the development of the draft OGC API standards for Records, Coverages and Processes. 

July 2021 OGC API Code Sprint Summary Engineering Report (21-055) PDF 

OGC API Hackathon 2019 

The OGC API Hackathon was held from June 20th to 21st, 2019, and hosted by Geovation in London, UK. The European Space Agency (ESA), Ordnance Survey and Geovation sponsored the event. The hackathon was also supported by the US National Geospatial Intelligence Agency (NGA). The goal of the hackathon was to advance the development of OGC API specifications by providing an environment and opportunity for the geospatial community to collaborate and work together. 

OGC API Hackathon 2019 Engineering Report (19-062) 

OGC GeoPackage (GPKG) Related Tables Extension Interoperability Experiment 

This interoperability experiment (GPKG-RTE IE) tested an extension to the OGC GeoPackage Encoding Standard (12-128r14). The purpose of the Related Tables extension is to explicitly describe the relation and function of the rows in sub-ordinate tables to features in core GeoPackage feature tables. One real-world application of the extension is the association of media objects to geographic features. The IE built GeoPackages containing embedded multimedia content and shared those GeoPackages with other software products. 

OGC GeoPackage Related Tables Extension Interoperability Experiment Engineering Report (17-093r1) 

OGC Testbed 10 

Testbed 10 was organized around Cross-Community Interoperability (CCI), Open Mobility and Aviation. Results of OGC Testbed 10 were presented at the OGC ‘s 20th Anniversary Technical Committee Meeting. Slides for this presentation are available for download here. In addition there were a series of webinars covering the TestBed threads: the Aviation Demo Webinar, the Cross-Community Interoperability (CCI) webinar

OGC Testbed 10 WFS Temporality Extension Discussion Paper Revision 

Testbed 10 Annotations Engineering Report 

Testbed 10 Aviation Human Factor Based Portrayal of Digital NOTAMs ER 

Testbed 10 CCI Profile Interoperability Engineering Report 

Testbed 10 Cross Community Interoperability (CCI) Hydro Model Interoperability Engineering Report 

Testbed 10 Cross Community Interoperability (CCI) Ontology Engineering Report 

Testbed 10 Engineering Report: Aviation Dissemination of Weather Data 

Testbed 10 Flight Information Exchange Model GML Schema 

Testbed 10 GML for Aviation Conformance Testing Engineering Report 

Testbed 10 OWS Context in NIEM Engineering Report 

Testbed 10 Provenance Engineering Report 

Testbed 10 Recommendations for Exchange of Terrain Data 

Testbed 10 Report on Aviation Architecture 

Testbed 10 Report on Aviation Binding AIXM to Development Tools 

Testbed 10 Summary Engineering Report 

Testbed 10 Virtual Global Gazetteer Engineering Report 

Testbed 10 Engineering Report: GML for Aviation Conformance Testing 

Testbed 10 Performance of OGC® Services in the Cloud: The WMS, WMTS, and WPS cases 

OGC Testbed 11 

TestBed 11 was organized around 4 threads: 1) Urban Climate Resilience (UCR), 2) Cross Community Interoperability (CCI), 3) Aviation and 4) GeoNIEM and Security. 

Testbed 11 Aviation – Architecture Engineering Report 

Testbed 11 Aviation – Guidance on Using Semantics of Business Vocabulary and Business Rules (SBVR) Engineering Report 

Testbed 11 Catalogue Service and Discovery Engineering Report 

Testbed 11 Data Broker Specifications Engineering Report 

Testbed 11 Digital Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) Validation and Enrichment Service Engineering Report 

Testbed 11 Engineering Report: Implementing Common Security Across the OGC Suite of Service Standards 

Testbed 11 GeoPackaging Engineering Report 

Testbed 11 Implementing JSON/GeoJSON in an OGC Standard Engineering Report 

Testbed 11 REST Interface Engineering Report 

Testbed 11 Use of Semantic Linked Data with RDF for National Map NHD and Gazetteer Data Engineering Report 

Testbed 11 Geospatial Enhancement for the National Information Exchange Model (Geo4NIEM) Round Trip Engineering Report 

OGC Testbed 12 

Sponsorship for the Testbed totaled $3.6 million USD and attracted in-kind participant contributions of $2.9 million. Over 210 individuals were involved and participant organizations conducted technology integration experiments on 82 interoperable, running component implementations. Testbed-12, started in January 2016 and finished with a  final demonstration event in November 2016. 

Testbed 12 focused on 7 threads: 1) Clients include applications build on desktops or mobile devices as well as aspects related to intermitted connectivity, such as compression, generalization, or offline data packages, 2) OGC Web Service Interfaces, 3) Architecture, 4) Aviation & Arctic, 5) Dynamic Sources and Communities, 6) Big Data and 7) Semantics. 

A full set of Testbed 12 videos can be found on the Testbed 12 YouTube page 

Testbed-12 Asynchronous Messaging for Aviation (16-017) PDF 

Testbed-12 Aviation Architecture Engineering Report (16-018) PDF 

Testbed-12 ShapeChange Engineering Report (16-020) PDF 

Testbed-12 Low Bandwidth & Generalization Engineering Report (16-021r1) PDF 

Testbed-12 WPS Conflation Service Profile Engineering Report (16-022) PDF 

Testbed-12 Implementing Asynchronous Services Response Engineering Report (16-023r3) PDF 

Testbed-12 Catalog Services for Aviation (16-024r2) PDF 

Testbed-12 Web Service Implementation Engineering Report (16-027) PDF 

Testbed-12 FIXM GML Engineering Report (16-028r1) PDF 

Testbed-12 GeoPackage Routing and Symbology Engineering Report (16-029r1) PDF 

Testbed-12 GeoPackage Mobile Apps Integration Engineering Report (16-030) PDF 

Testbed-12 GeoPackage Change Request Evaluations Engineering Report (16-031r1) PDF 

Testbed-12 WCS Profile Update Engineering Report (16-033r1) PDF 

Testbed-12 LiDAR Streaming Engineering Report (16-034) PDF 

Testbed-12 REST Architecture Engineering Report (16-035) PDF 

Testbed-12 Big Data Database Engineering Report (16-036r1) PDF 

Testbed-12 GeoPackage US Topo Engineering Report (16-037) PDF 

Testbed-12 NSG GeoPackage Profile Assessment Engineering Report (16-038) PDF 

Testbed-12 Aviation Semantics Engineering Report (16-039r2) PDF 

Testbed-12 Aviation Security Engineering Report (16-040r1) PDF 

Testbed-12 WPS ISO Data Quality Service Profile Engineering Report (16-041r1) PDF 

Testbed-12 WMS/WMTS Enhanced Engineering Report (16-042r1) PDF 

Testbed-12 Web Integration Service Engineering Report (16-043) PDF 

Testbed-12 WFS Synchronization Engineering Report (16-044) PDF 

Testbed-12 Data Broker Engineering Report (16-045r2) PDF 

Testbed-12 Semantic Enablement Engineering Report (16-046r1) PDF 

Testbed-12 General Feature Model Engineering Report (16-047r1) PDF 

Testbed-12 OWS Common Security Extension Engineering Report (16-048r1) PDF 

Testbed-12 Multi-Tile Retrieval Engineering Report (16-049r1) PDF 

Testbed-12 Imagery Quality and Accuracy Engineering Report (16-050) PDF 

Testbed-12 Javascript-JSON-JSON-LD Engineering Report (16-051) PDF 

Testbed-12 OWS Context / Capabilities Engineering Report (16-052) PDF 

Testbed-12 OWS Context: JSON, JSON-LD and HTML5 Engineering Report (16-053r1) PDF 

Testbed-12 Compression Techniques Engineering Report (16-055) PDF 

Testbed-12 TopoJSON, GML Engineering Report (16-056) PDF 

Testbed-12 Semantic Portrayal, Registry and Mediation Engineering Report (16-059) PDF 

Testbed-12 Aviation SBVR Engineering Report (16-061) PDF 

Testbed-12 Catalogue and SPARQL Engineering Report (16-062) PDF 

Testbed-12 Arctic SDI Engineering Report (16-063) PDF 

Testbed-12 Vector Tiling Implementation Engineering Report (16-067r4) PDF 

Testbed-12 Vector Tiling Engineering Report (16-068r4) PDF 

Testbed-12 PubSub / Catalog Engineering Report (16-137r2) PDF 

OGC Testbed 13 

Testbed 13 was organized into 5 threads: Cross Community Interoperability (CCI), Dynamic Source Integration (DSI), Earth Observation Clouds (EOC), Streaming & 3D Data (S3D) and Compliance Testing (COT). Over 170 individuals from 45 organizations participated in the development of 55 software components that were tested for interoperability. 

OGC Testbed-13: Data Quality Specification Engineering Report (17-018) PDF 

OGC Testbed-13: MapML Engineering Report (17-019) PDF 

OGC Testbed-13: NAS Profiling Engineering Report (17-020r1) PDF 

OGC Testbed-13: Security Engineering Report (17-021) PDF 

OGC Testbed-13: NA001 Climate Data Accessibility for Adaptation Planning (17-022) PDF 

OGC Testbed-13: EP Application Package Engineering Report (17-023) PDF 

OGC Testbed-13: Application Deployment and Execution Service Engineering Report (17-024) PDF 

OGC Testbed-13: Quality Assessment Service Engineering Report (17-025r2) PDF 

OGC Testbed-13: Disconnected Networks Engineering Report (17-026r1) PDF 

OGC Testbed-13: Geopackage Engineering Report (17-027) PDF 

OGC Testbed-13: Asynchronous Services Engineering Report (17-028) PDF 

OGC Testbed-13: Workflows Engineering Report (17-029r1) PDF 

OGC Testbed-13: Aviation Abstract Quality Model Engineering Report (17-032r2) PDF 

OGC Testbed-13: Cloud Engineering Report (17-035) PDF 

OGC Testbed-13: Geospatial Taxonomies Engineering Report (17-036) PDF 

OGC Testbed-13: SWAP Engineering Report (17-037) PDF 

OGC Testbed-13: Fit-for-Purpose Engineering Report (17-038) PDF 

OGC Testbed-13: DCAT/SRIM Engineering Report (17-040) PDF 

OGC Testbed-13: Vector Tiles Engineering Report (17-041) PDF 

OGC Testbed-13: CDB Engineering Report (17-042) PDF 

OGC Testbed-13: Executable Test Suites and Reference Implementations for NSG WMTS 1.0 and WFS 2.0 Profiles with Extension (17-043) PDF 

OGC Testbed-13: Portrayal Engineering Report (17-045) PDF 

OGC Testbed-13: 3D Tiles and I3S Interoperability and Performance Engineering Report (17-046) PDF 

OGC Testbed-13: Concepts of Data and Standards for Mass Migration Engineering Report (17-078) PDF 

OGC Testbed 14 

Testbed-14 explored a variety themes from geospatial data modeling, access, exchange, processing, and visualisation issues. More than 200 experts addressed research questions, prototyped services and solutions, and developed guidelines and best practices across 15 different threads: 1) Machine Learning, 2) Deep Learning & Artificial Intelligence, 3) Next generation OGC web services & Web APIs, 4) Exploitation platforms and Big Data cloud processing, 5) Information registries & semantic enablement, 6) Federated clouds, 7) Security & secure workflows, 8) Complex feature handling, 9) Swath data encodings as coverages, 10) Application schema modeling and conversion, 11) LiDAR point cloud data handling, 12) CityGML and augmented reality, 13) Portrayal: Enhanced visualization of geospatial data, 14) MapML, 156) Quality of service & experience and 16) Compliance and interoperability testing. Testbed-14 participants created a number of videos highlighting their achievements these can be viewed on the OGC Testbed-14 YouTube Channel

OGC Testbed-14: Next Generation APIs: Complex Feature Handling Engineering Report (18-021) PDF 

OGC Testbed-14: SWIM Information Registry Engineering Report (18-022r1) PDF 

OGC Testbed-14: MapML Engineering Report (18-023r1) PDF 

OGC Testbed-14: CityGML and AR Engineering Report (18-025) PDF 

OGC Testbed-14 Security Engineering Report (18-026r1) PDF 

OGC Testbed-14: WMS QoSE Engineering Report (18-028r2) PDF 

OGC Testbed-14: Symbology Engineering Report (18-029) PDF 

OGC Testbed-14: Secure Client Test Engineering Report (18-030) PDF 

OGC Testbed-14: Application Schema-based Ontology Development Engineering Report (18-032r2) PDF 

OGC Testbed-14: Compliance Engineering Report (18-034r3) PDF 

OGC Testbed-14: Semantically Enabled Aviation Data Models Engineering Report (18-035) PDF 

OGC Testbed-14: WPS-T Engineering Report (18-036r1) PDF 

OGC Testbed-14: Machine Learning Engineering Report (18-038r2) PDF 

OGC Testbed-14: Next Generation Web APIs – WFS 3.0 Engineering Report (18-045) PDF 

OGC Testbed-14: Swath Coverage Engineering Report (18-047r3) PDF 

OGC Testbed-14: Point Cloud Data Handling Engineering Report (18-048r1) PDF 

OGC Testbed-14: Application Package Engineering Report (18-049r1) PDF 

OGC Testbed-14: ADES & EMS Results and Best Practices Engineering Report (18-050r1) PDF 

OGC Testbed-14: Authorisation, Authentication, & Billing Engineering Report (18-057) PDF 

OGC Testbed-14: BPMN Workflow Engineering Report (18-085) PDF 

OGC Testbed-14: Federated Clouds Engineering Report (18-090r1) PDF 

OGC Testbed-14: Application Schemas and JSON Technologies Engineering Report (18-091r2) PDF 

OGC Testbed-14: Characterization of RDF Application Profiles for Simple Linked Data Application and Complex Analytic Applications Engineering Report (18-094r1) PDF 

OGC Testbed 15 

Entitled “Innovating Geospatial Data Processing, Analysis, and Visualization” Testbed 15 addressed six threads 1) the Earth Observation thread focused on developing a data model and an associated catalogue interface to support Earth Observation (EO) application and process discovery 2) the Data Centric Security thread researched the current state of security in protecting data in a geospatial environment using encrypted containers. 3) the Federated Cloud Analytics thread researched how emerging technologies and architectures featuring distributed cloud environments can be successfully integrated with OGC Open Web Services 4) the Delta Updates thread explored how changes (updates) to geospatial data can be securely provided to users in the field, especially in a Denied, Disrupted, Intermittent, and Limited (bandwidth) situation 5)  the Open Portrayal Framework thread defined models, APIs, and an architecture to support and enable open and interoperable portrayal of geospatial content and 6) the Machine Learning thread explored how machine learning models and their outputs could be integrated with OGC Open Web Services. 

OGC Testbed-15: Styles API Engineering Report (19-010r2) PDF 

OGC Testbed-15: Delta Updates Engineering Report (19-012r1) PDF 

OGC Testbed-15: Federated Cloud Provenance ER (19-015) PDF 

OGC Testbed-15: Data Centric Security (19-016r1) PDF 

OGC Testbed-15: Open Portrayal Framework Engineering Report (19-018) PDF 

OGC Testbed-15: Portrayal Portrayal Summary ER (19-019) PDF 

OGC Testbed-15: Catalogue and Discovery Engineering Report (19-020r1) PDF 

OGC Testbed-15: Semantic Web Link Builder and Triple Generator (19-021) PDF 

OGC Testbed-15: Scaling Units of Work (EOC, Scale, SEED) (19-022r1) PDF 

OGC Testbed-15: Encoding and Metadata Conceptual Model for Styles Engineering Report (19-023r1) PDF 

OGC Testbed-15: Federated Clouds Security Engineering Report (19-024r1) PDF 

OGC Testbed-15: Federated Clouds Analytics Engineering Report (19-026) PDF 

OGC Testbed-15: Machine Learning Engineering Report (19-027r2) PDF 

OGC Testbed-15: Quebec Model MapML Engineering Report (19-046r1) PDF 

OGC Testbed-15: Maps and Tiles API Engineering Report (19-069) PDF 

OGC Testbed-15: Images and ChangesSet API Engineering Report (19-070) PDF 

OGC Testbed 16 

Testbed 16 evaluated the maturity of the Earth Observation Cloud Architecture. It also explored new levels of interoperable geospatial data processing in the areas of Earth Observation Application Packages with Jupyter Notebooks, Data Access and Processing API for Geospatial Data, Discrete Global Grid Systems (DGGS), Aviation, Machine Learning, Full Motion Video to Moving Features, Analysis Ready Data, Data Centric Security, Federated Security, GeoPackage, and OpenAPI. OGC’s Director, Innovation Program & Science, Dr. Ingo Simonis presented the results of OGC Testbed-16 Results Summary presentation during the Future Directions Session at OGC’s December 2020 Member Meeting. Other video recordings describing outcomes can be found in this OGC Testbed-16 YouTube Playlist

OGC Testbed-16: Data Access and Processing Engineering Report (20-016) PDF 

OGC Testbed-16: Machine Learning Training Data Engineering Report (20-018) PDF 

OGC Testbed-16: GeoPackage Engineering Report (20-019r1) PDF 

OGC Testbed-16: Aviation Engineering Report (20-020) PDF 

OGC Testbed-16: Data Centric Security Engineering Report (20-021r2) PDF 

OGC Testbed-16: Data Access and Processing API Engineering Report (20-025r1) PDF 

OGC Testbed-16: Federated Security Engineering Report (20-027) PDF 

OGC Testbed-16: OpenAPI Engineering Report (20-033) PDF 

OGC Testbed-16: Earth Observation Application Packages with Jupyter Notebooks Engineering Report (20-035) PDF 

OGC Testbed-16: Full Motion Video to Moving Features Engineering Report (20-036) PDF 

OGC Testbed-16: DGGS and DGGS API Engineering Report (20-039r2) PDF 

OGC Testbed-16: Analysis Ready Data Engineering Report (20-041) PDF 

OGC Testbed 17 

Testbed17 was organized into three thematic threads across three geospatial technologies: 1) Advanced sensor integration for moving and static objects; 2) Geospatial Data Clouds and Model Driven Standards; and 3) Interoperability through APIs. You can view a recording of the results of Testbed-17 given at the OGC Member Meeting in December 2021. 

OGC Testbed-17: Features and Geometries JSON CRS Analysis of Alternatives Engineering Report (21-018) PDF 

OGC Testbed-17: OGC Features and Geometries JSON Engineering Report (21-017r1) PDF 

OGC Testbed-17: Attracting Developers: Lowering the entry barrier for implementing OGC Web APIs (21-019) PDF 

OGC Testbed-17: Data Centric Security (21-020r1) PDF 

OGC Testbed-17: Sensor Integration Framework Assessment Engineering Report (21-022) PDF 

OGC Testbed-17: Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF specification Engineering Report (21-025) PDF 

OGC Testbed-17: Geo Data Cube API Engineering Report (21-027) PDF 

OGC Testbed-17: OGC API – Moving Features Engineering Report (21-028) PDF 

OGC Testbed-17: MASBUS Integration Engineering Report (21-029) PDF 

OGC Testbed-17: SIF Semantic Model Engineering Report (21-030) PDF 

OGC Testbed-17: UML Modeling Best Practice Engineering Report (21-031) PDF 

OGC Testbed-17: COG/Zarr Evaluation Engineering Report (21-032) PDF 

OGC Testbed-17: Model-Driven Standards Engineering Report (21-035r1) PDF 

OGC Testbed-17: Moving Features Engineering Report (21-036) PDF 

OGC Testbed-17: Aviation API Engineering Report (21-039r1) PDF 

OGC Testbed-17: CITE Engineering Report (21-044) PDF 

OGC Testbed 18 

Testbed 18 explored 7 themes 1) 3D, 2) Data Standards and Streaming, 3) Machine Learning 4) Training Datasets, 5) Secure Asynchronous Catalogs, 6) Moving Features and 7) Sensor integration. 

Testbed-18: 3D+ Data Space Object Engineering Report (23-011r1) PDF 

OGC Testbed-18: Key Management Service Engineering Report (22-014) PDF 

Testbed-18: Moving Features Engineering Report (22-016r3) PDF 

OGC Testbed-18: Machine Learning Training Data Engineering Report (22-017) PDF 

OGC Testbed-18: Secure Asynchronous Catalog Engineering Report (22-018) PDF 

Testbed-18: Identifiers for Reproducible Science Summary Engineering Report (22-020r1) PDF 

Testbed-18: Features Filtering Summary Engineering Report (22-023r2) PDF 

Testbed-18: Filtering Service and Rule Set Engineering Report (22-024r2) PDF 

OGC Testbed-18: Reproducible FAIR Best Practices Engineering Report (22-031r1) PDF 

Testbed-18: 3D+ Data Streaming Engineering Report (22-035)PDF 

OGC Testbed-18: 3D+ Standards Framework Engineering Report (22-036r1) PDF 

OGC Testbed-18: Reference Frame Transformation Engineering Report (22-038r2) PDF 

Testbed-18: Building Energy Data Interoperability Engineering Report (22-041) PDF 

OGC Testbed-19 

Testbed 19 explored 6 themes Geospatial in Space, Machine Learning: Transfer Learning, Geodatacubes, Analysis Ready Data, Agile Reference Architecture, and High-Performance Computing. 

OGC Testbed 19 Extraterrestrial GeoTIFF Engineering Report (23-028) PDF 

OGC Testbed-19 Machine Learning Models Engineering Report (23-033) PDF 

OGC Testbed-19 Non-Terrestrial Geospatial Engineering Report (23-042) PDF 

OGC Testbed 19 Analysis Ready Data Engineering Report (23-043) PDF 

OGC Testbed 19 High Performance Geospatial Computing Engineering Report (23-044) PDF 

OGC Testbed-19 GeoDataCubes Engineering Report (23-047) PDF 

OGC Testbed 19 Draft API – Geodatacubes specification (23-048) PDF 

OGC Testbed-19 Agile Reference Architecture Engineering Report (23-050) PDF 

OGC UML-to-GML Application Schema Pilot 2020 (UGAS-2020) 

The main goal of the pilot was to enhance the conversion of conceptual schemas to target representations. This is particularly useful if complex conceptual schemas need to be converted into different target representations. The focus was on UML conceptual schema conversion to JSON Schema. The rules have been developed and validated in the context of the National System for Geospatial Intelligence (NSG) Application Schema (NAS). 

UML-to-GML Application Schema Pilot (UGAS-2020) Engineering Report (20-012) 

OGC Water Information Services Concept Development 

With sponsorship Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science, Inc. (CUAHSI) this interoperability program conducted a Water Information Services Concept Development Study (Water IS CDS). The study was presented and discussed within the OGC Hydrologic Domain Working Group. 

Water Information Services Concept Development Study (11-013r6) 

OGC Web Services, Phase 7 

The OWS-7 initiative was organized around 3 threads: Sensor Fusion Enablement (SFE), Feature and Decision Fusion (FDF) and Aviation. The SFE Thread built on the OGC Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) framework. The FDF advanced the state of information cataloguing, Web Processing Services (WPS) profiles, and the Integrated Client. The Aviation Thread investigated and demonstrated the applicability of the Aeronautical Information Exchange Model (AIXM) and Weather Information Exchange Model (WXXM) along with relevant OGC specifications and web services to applications and tools to support Airline Operations Centers and Flight Dispatch applications. 

Summary of the OGC Web Services, Phase 7 (OWS-7) Interoperability Testbed 

OWS-7 Aviation Architecture Engineering Report 

OWS-7 Information Sharing Engineering Report 

OWS-7 Motion Video Change Detection 

OWS-7 Web Processing Service Profiling Engineering Report 

OWS-7 Feature and Statistical Analysis Engineering Report 

OWS-7 – Authoritative Data Source Directory Engineering Report 

OWS-7 Motion Imagery Discovery and Retrieval Engineering Report 

OWS-7 Engineering Report – Aviation Portrayal 

OWS-7 Aviation – FUSE Deployment Engineering Report 

OWS-7 Aviation – AIXM Assessment Report 

OWS-7 Aviation – WXXM Assessment Engineering Report 

OWS-7 – Towards secure interconnection of OGC Web Services with SWIM 

OWS-7 Engineering Report – Geosynchronization service 

OWS-7 Event Architecture Engineering Report 

OWS-7 Dynamic Sensor Notification Engineering Report 

OWS-7 CCSI-SWE Best Practices Engineering Report 

OGC Web Services, Phase 8 

40 organizations participated in some aspect of OWS-8. The initiative was organized around the following threads: Observation Fusion, Geosynchronization (Gsync), Cross-Community Interoperability (CCI) and Aviation. 

OWS-8 AIXM Metadata Guidelines Engineering Report 

OWS-8 CCI Portrayal Registries Engineering Report 

OWS-8 Cross Community Interoperability (CCI) Semantic Mediation Engineering Report 

OWS-8 CCI Schema Automation Engineering Report 

OWS-8 Aviation – WXXM Engineering Report 

OWS-8 Aviation: Guidance for Retrieving AIXM 5.1 data via an OGC WFS 2.0 

OWS-8 Bulk Geodata Transfer Using GML Engineering Report 

OWS-8 Aviation Thread – Authoritative AIXM Data Source Engineering Report 

OWS-8 Engineering Report – Guidelines for International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) portrayal using SLD/SE 

OWS-8 Review of the WXXS exchange schemas 

OWS-8 Report on Digital NOTAM Event Specification 

OWS-8 Aviation Architecture Engineering Report 

OWS-8 WCS 2.0 Earth Observation Application Profile Compliance Tests Engineering Report 

OWS-8 WCS 2.0 Earth Observation Application Profile Engineering Report 

OWS-8 AIXM 5.1 Compression Benchmarking 

OWS-8 Digital NOTAM Refactor 

OWS-8 Domain Modelling Cookbook 

OWS-8 Analysis of OGC Standards for Supporting Mobile Object Processing Implementation (Engineering Report) 

OWS-8 Information Model for Moving Target Indicators and Moving Object Bookmarks (Engineering Report) 

OWS-8 Bulk Geodata Transfer with File Geodatabase 

OWS-8 Geoprocessing for Earth Observations Engineering Report 

OWS-8 Tracking: Moving Target Indicator Process, Workflows and Implementation Results ER 

Summary of the OGC Web Services, Phase 8 (OWS-8) Interoperability Testbed 

OGC Web Services, Phase 9 

OWS-9 sponsorship totaled $2.80 million USD and attracted an in-kind contribution of 3 times that amount. 55 organizations participated in some aspect of OWS-9. The focus areas of OWS-9 were Aviation, Cross-Community Interoperability (CCI), Security and Services Interoperability (SSI), innovation around OGC Web Services and Compliance & Interoperability Testing & Evaluation (CITE). 

OWS-9: UML-to-GML-Application-Schema (UGAS) Conversion Engineering Report 

OWS-9 Innovation – Coverages: Coverage Access (OPeNDAP) Study 

OWS-9: Engineering Report: Use of SWE Common and SensorML for GPS Messaging 

OWS-9 Engineering Report – SSI – Bulk Data Transfer (GML Streaming) 

OWS-9 CCI Semantic Mediation Engineering Report 

OWS-9 Engineering Report – CCI – Single Point of Entry Global Gazetteer 

OWS-9 – OWS Context evaluation IP Engineering Report 

OWS-9 Security Engineering Report 

OWS-9: OGC Mobile Apps: Definition, Requirements, and Information Architecture 

OWS-9: SSI Security Rules Service Engineering Report 

OWS-9 Architecture – Registry Engineering Report 

OWS-9 Web Feature Service Temporality Extension Engineering Report 

OWS-9 Aviation Architecture Engineering Report 

OWS-9 Aviation Portrayal Engineering Report 

OWS-9 CITE Help Guide Engineering Report 

OWS-9 OWS Innovations GMLJP2 for National Imagery Transmission Format (NITF) Engineering Report 

OWS-9 OWS Innovations WCS for LIDAR Engineering Report 

OWS-9 Reference Architecture Profile (RAP) Advisor Engineering Report 

OWS-9 Engineering Report – OWS Innovations – Map Tiling Methods Harmonization 

OWS-9 Report on Aviation Performance Study 

OWS-9 CCI Conflation with Provenance Engineering Report 

OWS-9 WCS Conformance Testing Engineering Report 

OWS-9 Data Transmission Management 

OWS-9: Summary of the OGC Web Services, Phase 9 (OWS-9) Interoperability Testbed 

OGP / IPIECA Oil Spill Response Common Operating Picture (COP) 

This study provided recommended practice for GIS/mapping in support of oil spill response and for the use of GIS technology and geospatial information in forming a Common Operating Picture to support management of the response. 

IOGP/IPIECA Recommended Practice for a Common Operating Picture for Oil Spill Response (15-037) 

OS Plugfest (UKIAP) 

The purpose of UKIAP was to advance the interoperability of geospatial products and services based on OGC standards within the UK geospatial information (GI) community. The results of the Plugfest allowed Ordnance Survey to provide best practice guidance and allowed software companies (commercial and open source) to improve their products and make them more interoperable. 

UK Interoperability Assessment Plugfest (UKIAP) Engineering Report 

OWS Shibboleth IE 

The Web Services Shibboleth Interoperability Experiment advanced best practices for implementing standards on federated security in transactions involving geospatial data and services. Shibboleth is an open source software package released by the Internet2 Consortium based on the SAML standard from OASIS. European National Mapping Agencies and leading European universities advanced the use of Shibboleth in operational spatial data infrastructures as part of the activities of the European Spatial Data Infrastructure Network (ESDIN) project. 

Ocean Science Interoperability Experiment II 

The two-phase Oceans Science Interoperability Experiment (Oceans IE) brought together the Ocean-Observing community to advance interoperability of ocean observing systems by using OGC Standards. The Oceans IE Phase I investigated the use of OGC Web Feature Services (WFS) and OGC Sensor Observation Services (SOS) for representing and exchanging point data records from fixed in-situ marine platforms. The primary objectives for Phase II were to work on and end-to-end prototype from the capturing of data from devices to the usage of these data for advance research and improve decision support systems and to bring together organizations with SOS experience and international ocean observing systems. 

Ocean Science Interoperability Experiment Phase 1 Report 

Ocean Science Interoperability Experiment Phase II Report 

Portrayal CDS 

The main goal of the CDS was to advance the standards and guidance that will allow production of high-quality digital maps over the web from existing vector data. 

Portrayal Concept Development Study (17-094r1) 

Releasable Basemap Tiles GeoPackage Sprint 

The Releasable Basemap Tiles GeoPackage Sprint tested and implemented a draft specification for the NSG VTIS Volume 2: Basemap Tile Packages (BTP), which stores Mapbox Vector Tiles (MVTs) in an OGC GeoPackage in the World Mercator Projection (EPSG:3395). Releasable Basemap Tiles (RBT) is a prototype project aimed at creating a set of vector and raster map tiles using open-source data, 

Routing Pilot 

The Open Routing API Pilot developed new capabilities to easily share routes and prototype APIs able to use routing data from any source based on the next generation of OGC APIs. The Pilot demonstrated a standards-based solution for a variety of online and offline routing situations. There are six videos that are on the OGC YouTube channel covering the Routing Pilot

Routing Pilot ER (19-041r3)  

WPS Routing API ER (19-040) 

Routing Pilot Sprint 

This sprint tested and the Route Exchange Model candidate specifications identifying issues to be resolved, and future work requirements. To bring these candidate specifications to completion they were  tested through the development of 3 implementations for each candidate standard. Refer to the GitHub repository

STAC and OGC API – Features and Catalogues Sprint 

The purpose of this Sprint was work on the Query and Filter operations for data that will extend functionality of OGC API – Features [] and OGC API – Catalogue []. The Query and Filter operations have been amongst the first extensions deemed necessary for the OGC API standards and to bring the OGC API – Features standard similar in capability to the Web Feature Service standards. These capabilities are also required by STAC. 

SWE Maturity Request for Information 

This report assessed the maturity of implementations of the OGC Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) standards. The SWE framework provides significant benefits for supporting the integration and fusion of a wide variety of assets, and readily enables a system that is able to sense and react to threats or opportunities. Successful implementations of SWE were identified to provide the UK Ministry of Defense (MoD) with a “state of the practice” and benefits of using SWE. 

OGC SWE Implementation Maturity Engineering Report (13-032) 

SWIM Discovery Service Workshop 

This workshop was used by the FAA to solicit feedback from the OGC technical community on the FAA SDS Implementation Specification (“SDS Spec”). The workshop afforded attendees an opportunity to provide and review technical feedback regarding the new SDS specification directly with the FAA SWIM team. Participants relayed feedback on the spec’s design and modeling, expected ease of implementation by developers, and scalability at a global level. Workshop findings were documented in this Summary Report

Second Environmental Linked Features Interoperability Experiment (SELFIE) 

The Second ELFIE (SELFIE) designed and vetted Web-resource model and network behavior for cross-domain linked feature data that compliments and used OGC API-Features as a building block. It aimed to answer the question, how do we use linked data in a way that’s compatible with W3C best practices and leverages OGC standards? For project details visit GitHub

Second Environmental Linked Features Experiment (20-067) 

Smart City Interoperability Reference Architecture (SCIRA) 

This Pilot focused on the City of St. Louis, Missouri to refine elements of interoperable smart city architecture through implementation and testing in functional, ‘real world’ public safety scenarios. The SCIRA Pilot concluded with on-site exercises and then a demonstration intended to establish a reusable example of SCIRA-based deployment. The operational application of the SCIRA design toolkit showed how cities can reap the benefits of standards-based interoperability. 

SCIRA Pilot Engineering Report (20-011) 

Soil Data IE 

The primary focus of the Soil IE was the development and testing of a Soil Markup Language, a GML compatible encoding for soil features. View the Soil Data IE Video  

Soil Data Interoperability Experiment (16-088r1) 

Strengthening Disaster Risk Reduction Across the Americas Summit – Simulated Exercise 

The “Strengthening Disaster Risk Reduction Across the Americas: A Regional Summit on the Contributions of Earth Observations” was held on September 3-8 in 2017 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. It aimed to strengthen the collective ability to share the many challenges of disaster risk reduction in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) while promoting the awareness and better use of earth observations (EO). A simulation exercise took place during the summit. The exercise brought together government, emergency managers, earth observation data providers, academics, non-governmental organizations, and commercial companies. The participants assessed the capabilities and needs of policymakers, regional and on-the-ground decision makers, and learned what information products can be produced, and when and how such products are available. 

Strengthening Disaster Risk Reduction Across the Americas Summit – Simulated Exercise Engineering Report (17-088r1) 

Systemic Standardisation Approach to Empower Smart Cities and Communities 

A systEmic Standardisation apPRoach to Empower Smart citieS and communities (ESPRESSO) focussed on the development of a conceptual Smart City Information Framework based on open standards. This framework will consist of a Smart City platform (the “Smart City enterprise application”) and a number of data provision and processing services to integrate relevant data, workflows, and processes. More details about the project are available here


The UML-to-GML Application Schema Pilot ( UGAS) 2019 Pilot was undertaken to improve and enhance the capabilities of ShapeChange to meet technology requirements associated with the National System for Geospatial Intelligence (NSG) Application Schema (NAS). 

UML-to-GML Application Schema Pilot (UGAS-2019) Summary Report 


Under UML-to-GML Application Schema Pilot (UGAS) 2020 pilot emerging technology requirements for NAS employment in the NSG, and with general applicability for the wider geospatial community were explored. As a result of the initiative 1) a prototype design and implementation of UML Application Schema to JSON Schema rules was reviewed and revised, 2) a JSON-based core profile was developed for key external community conceptual schemas, particularly components of those ISO 19100-series standards used to enable data discovery, access, control, and use in data exchange in general, including in the NSG, 3) analysis was made of the potential use of the Shapes Constraint Language (SHACL) to validate linked data and 4) a minimal solution for ShapeChange-based generation of OpenAPI definitions for a Web API implementing OGC API Features parts 1 and 2 for sections other than for content schemas was developed. 

UML-to-GML Application Schema Pilot (UGAS-2020) Engineering Report(20-012) PDF 

USGS Interoperability Assessment 

The USGS wished to investigate whether USGS data services were fully compliant with relevant OGC standards, and if there were opportunities to improve how the data was being served to the different communities. In this project, the OGC conducted the USGS Interoperability Assessment Initiative to assess if OGC standards as implemented in USGS servers are meeting users’ requirements. OGC tested USGS Web services against the OGC Compliance Engine, analyzed the participants experiences when interacting with USGS data services and products and developed a CAT 3.0 test suite which is available on GitHub

USGS Interoperability Assessment Report (14-079r1) 

Underground Infrastructure Concept Development Study 

Every year most seemingly routine street excavations occurring around the world are adversely impacted by lack of usable information about buried utility infrastructure, this could be avoided if accurate, comprehensive utility and soils information are available for rapid integration and analysis. See Bloomberg’s Businessweek article Nobody Knows What Lies Beneath New York City. To address this, three organizations sponsored a concept development study for underground information. This Underground Concept Development Study (CDS) paved the way for an Underground Pilot. 

Underground Infrastructure Concept Study Engineering Report (17-048) 

Underground Infrastructure Pilot 

A holistic understanding of the relationships between underground assets and above ground infrastructure is essential to minimize service breakdowns and mitigate the impact of disasters. The Ordnance Survey UK reported “approximately £150 million is incurred directly by strike damage to third party assets alone by utilities across the UK with indirect costs around ten times this sum. Fatalities are a severe consequence with, for example, approximately 12 deaths and 600 serious injuries per year from contact with electricity cables.” 

The Underground Mapping and Modeling Pilot Project aimed to deliver a tested, standards-based architecture for Smart Cities to procure the next generation of underground information management leading to safer and more efficient cities. As part of the pilot the MUDDI ETL-Plugfest Workshop was held at the Fund for the City of New York (FCNY) on July 24-25. One of the primary workshop goals is to evaluate the Underground Data Conceptual Model (“MUDDI Data Model”) through implementation and testing to provide feedback on how to refine and improve it, as well as to guide the choice and development of standard implementations. Below are the Workshop presentations: 

Introduction to MUDDI: Model for Underground Data Definition and Integration (15Mb), Josh Lieberman, OGC. 

A Framework For Assessing the Scale of Potential Benefits from Subterranean Information Management (SIM) (3Mb), Alan Leidner, FCNY. 

Newcastle Innovation Festival (16Mb), Bart Chudas, Ordnance Survey Great Britain (also visit the NWG Innovation Festival page). 

NYC 3D Underground Pilot and OGC MUDDI (2Mb), Erika Kamptner, NYC Dept. Information Technology & Telecommunications. 

Updates on Flanders and INSPIRE (2Mb), Jef Daems, KLIP / IMKL. 

Coordination with ASCE as-built quality standards (3Mb), Phil Meis and Lapo Cozzutto, ASCE/CI. 

CityGML Utility Network ADE – Scope and current work (3Mb), Tatjana Kutzner, Technical University of Munich. 

Governing the Subsurface: Squandered Opportunities (32Mb), Debra Laefer, Center for Urban Science + Progress. 

Is MUDDI Trying to do too much? (30Mb) Robert Mankowski, Bentley Systems. 

MUDDI – perspectives on implementing a utility data model from AS5488 (47Mb), Richard Bartholomew, ARUP. 

Use of geophysical techniques and analysis to infer underground structures and unknown voids (26Mb), Albert Boulanger, Smart-X Group. 

Underground Utilities Sensing with Augmented Reality (33Mb), Tian Xia, University of Vermont. 

MTA LINEAR Referencing Data Model (95Mb), Uttam Bera, MTA. 

Engineering Report 

MUDDI v1.1 (Model for Underground Data Definition and Integration) Engineering Report (19-081) PDF 

UxS Command and Control IE 

This IE tested the suitability of a Communication and Coordination Data Model for UxS in a real-world environment. A data model was used in a multi-domain, multi-heterogeneity vehicle to demonstrate and evaluate the exchange of command & control information. The IE was built on a data model developed by Kongsberg Geospatial and partners. 

Vector Tiles Pilot (VTP) 

Vector Tiles is a technology that optimizes delivering vector data over the web to create maps. They provide an efficient and effective method of delivering GeoINT data due to the efficiencies for querying vector data and compacting of the files. VTP-1, the first phase 1 of the Vector Tiles Pilot, successfully developed and delivered Vector Tile (VT) extensions for the OGC API – Features specification (formerly named Web Feature Service 3.0), Web Map Tile Service (WMTS) and GeoPackage in collaboration with industry partners. The Vector Tiles Extension videos have been posted to YouTube

OGC Vector Tiles Pilot: GeoPackage 1.2 Vector Tiles Extensions Engineering Report(18-074) PDF 

OGC Vector Tiles Pilot: Tiled Feature Data Conceptual Model Engineering Report(18-076) PDF 

OGC Vector Tiles Pilot: WFS 3.0 Vector Tiles Extension Engineering Report(18-078) PDF 

OGC Vector Tiles Pilot: WMTS Vector Tiles Extension Engineering Report(18-083) PDF 

OGC Vector Tiles Pilot: Summary Engineering Report(18-086r1) PDF 

OGC Vector Tiles Pilot Extension (VTPExt) Engineering Report(18-101) PDF 

Vector Tiles Pilot (VTP) Phase 2 

The objective of Vector Tiles Pilot Phase 2 was to deliver a consistent, interoperable online/offline architecture for vector tiles based on feature and tile servers, and GeoPackage. The feature and tile servers included WMTS, OGC API – Features, and OGC API – Tiles provided support for map projections other than Web Mercator. All APIs and service types further supported the vector tile metadata model and filtering language, the two other essential work items of VTP-2. There are seven videos that are on the OGC YouTube Channel for the Vector Tiles Pilot Phase 2

OGC Vector Tiles Pilot 2: Summary Engineering Report(19-088r2) PDF 

OGC Vector Tiles Pilot 2: Tile Set Metadata Engineering Report(19-082r1) PDF 

OGC Vector Tiles Pilot 2: Vector Tiles Filtering Language Engineering Report(19-084) PDF 

WFS 3.0 Hackathon 

The WFS 3.0 Hackathon explored how WFS 3.0 could support STAC and how STAC could build on WFS 3.0. For more details about the Hackathon visit GitHub. The wrap-up session was recorded and is available on YouTube