OGC Logo, Icon, and Certification Mark Usage
Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Icons and marks have specific policies associated with their use. Please consult the information below for usage of OGC logos.
Certification Marks
OGC Certification Marks may only be used with products that have been approved as compliant with OGC® standards. Consult the Compliance Testing page on this site for more information on obtaining compliance certification. Products that have passed and have been approved by OGC as Compliant, may use the following certification mark, provided that all guidelines and conditions as listed in the Compliance Testing section of our web site have been followed.

To aid the user in identifying which OGC standards are involved in the certification, vendors must accompany the certification mark with either the full specification name(s), or the appropriate live logo.
OGC will issue reproduction quality logos to those organizations certified compliant
Additional Information
Please consult the following OGC Media Guidance for additional information on usage of OGC Trademarks, logos and certifications marks. This document is designed to supplement the information provided in this Terms and Conditions section.