
OGC Testbed 13

Over 170 individuals from 45 organizations participated in the development of 55 software components that were tested for interoperability. Components with similar interfaces were developed by different organizations and tested by clients – again provided by different organizations – to test and improve the level of interoperability among the software components. Activities addressed 15 tasks and topics organised in the five Testbed Threads: Cross Community Interoperability (CCI), Dynamic Source Integration (DSI), Earth Observation Clouds (EOC), Streaming & 3D Data (S3D), and Compliance Testing (COT).

OGC Testbed-13

OGC Testbeds are the largest OGC Innovation Program (OGC IP) activities. The OGC IP provides global, hands-on, collaborative prototyping for rapid development and delivery of geospatial IT solutions. All results are publicly available once approved by the OGC Technical Committee. Testbeds provide a unique platform where sponsors can outsource the rapid generation of prototypes and test environments with a number of leading organizations in their field. Testbeds result in more than just new and updated standards: outcomes include guides, overviews, and best practices for solving leading-edge geospatial problems.

Testbed-13 Scope

Over 170 individuals from 45 organizations participated in the development of 55 software components that were tested for interoperability. Components with similar interfaces were developed by different organizations and tested by clients – again provided by different organizations – to test and improve the level of interoperability among the software components. Over 75 observers from 40 organizations observed testbed execution, offering helpful expert input and guidance at critical junctures.

The Tasks and topics were addressed:

  • Fit-for-purpose data
  • Secure workflows and dynamic chaining
  • Applications in the cloud
  • Take rich data into the field
  • DDIL Communication Patterns
  • Vector Tiling
  • Symbology and Portrayal
  • Integrate metadata from different sources
  • 3D Models and Streaming Services
  • 3D Simulation and CDB
  • Model conversion and profiling
  • Predicting the Future: Geo-simulation
  • MapML: Maps for the Mass Market
  • Aviation Domain: Quality and Discovery
  • Compliance Testing

Testbed-13 Threads

Testbed 13 was organized into threads, which integrate both architectural and thematic views and allow grouping of closely related work items & reduction of cross-thread dependencies.

  • Cross Community Interoperability (CCI)
  • Dynamic Source Integration (DSI)
  • Earth Observation Clouds (EOC)
  • Streaming & 3D Data (S3D)
  • Compliance Testing (COT)

Testbed-13 Documentation

For full details on OGC Testbed-13 results, please visit the dedicated OGC Testbed 13 website.

The OGC Testbed-13 Demonstration Event (agenda) took place at the USGS National Center in Reston, VA, on December 12-13, 2017. Please visit the Testbed 13 Demonstration Event Blog for an overview. Day 1 PowerPoint presentations can be downloaded from the following links (all files are over 300Mb):

A second presentation was offered at the ESIP Winter Meeting on January 9th, 2018 in Bethesda, MD. This presentation focused on concerns of the Earth Science community.

Testbed-13 Sponsors

The OGC Testbed 13 Innovation Program (IP) initiative commenced with the elicitation of Sponsor requirements in 2016 and early 2017. The following OGC member organizations provided testbed sponsorship:

  • Airbus Defence and Space
  • Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl)
  • DigitalGlobe, Inc. (DG)
  • European Space Agency (ESA) / CGI
  • Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) System Wide Information Management (SWIM) Program
  • Geonovum
  • Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)
  • Ordnance Survey Great Britain
  • US Geological Survey (USGS)
  • US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
  • US National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)

Get in Touch!


Anybody wishing to learn more about this initiative, or about the OGC Interoperability Program in general, can contact the Innovation Programs Team at