Press release

OGC publishes Testbed 11 Aviation Information Management Engineering Reports

4 November 2015 – The OGC Members recently approved release of 26 public OGC Engineering Reports, products of the recently completed OGC Interoperability Testbed 11.While OGC Engineering Reports are not standards, the information they contains is intended to be useful to developers of OGC standards and implementers of OGC standards.The OGC Public Engineering Reports web page provides links to the Engineering Reports.The OGC Testbed 11 Aviation – Aviation Architecture Engineering Report describes the overall architecture that was implemented in the Aviation thread.The OGC Testbed 11 Aviation – Aviation Feature Schema (AFX) Recommendations Engineering Report addresses the Aviation Feature Schema (AFX) developed by EUROCONTROL.

4 November  2015 – The OGC Members recently approved release of 26 public OGC Engineering Reports, products of the  recently completed OGC Interoperability Testbed 11.  Testbed 11 is the most recent in the OGC's long series of major geospatial interoperability initiatives. Five of these reports focused on Aviation Information Management. Use cases and scenarios provided by Testbed 11 sponsoring organizations defined the interoperability requirements. The reports document interoperability prototypes developed by Testbed 11's participating technology providers. The reports describe work in progress on potential new OGC standards and work done to validate candidate standards or improve existing OGC standards. While OGC Engineering Reports are not standards, the information they contains is intended to be useful to developers of OGC standards and implementers of OGC standards.

The OGC Public Engineering Reports web page provides links to the Engineering Reports. (Select “Date” in the table header to see the most recent reports listed first.) Some are still being edited and have not yet been posted.

The Testbed 11 Aviation Engineering Reports include:

The OGC Testbed 11 Aviation – Guidance on Using Semantics of Business Vocabulary and Business Rules (SVBR) Engineering Report describes the results of developing a tool to automatically derive XML code (including OGC Geography Markup Language (GML) code) from Semantics of Business Vocabulary and Business Rules (SBVR) constraints. The Object Management Group's SBVR provides a standard way of defining meanings of the language used by people in an industry such as Aviation.

The OGC® Digital Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) Validation and Enrichment Service Engineering Report describes the approach and the architecture implemented in the OWS-11 Digital NOTAM (DNOTAM) Validation and Enrichment Service. The concept of Digital NOTAM is part of an overall multi-organization international modernization effort in the area of aeronautical services. OGC is engaged because of OGC's important role in standards that enable sharing of complex spatial and temporal information.

The OGC Testbed 11 Aviation – Aviation Architecture Engineering Report describes the overall architecture that was implemented in the Aviation thread. The document describes the components and their interactions as well as a summary of requirements, lessons learned, and use cases addressed in the testbed's disaster management scenario.

The OGC Testbed 11 Aviation – Aviation Feature Schema (AFX) Recommendations Engineering Report addresses the Aviation Feature Schema (AFX) developed by EUROCONTROL. The AFX is a template for application schemas. This Engineering Report first assesses the suitability of the AFX as a means for capturing or converting geospatial information for use with aviation data and then provides recommendations.

The OGC Testbed 11 Aviation – Data Broker Specifications Engineering Report provides a summary of the interoperability work regarding the Aviation Data Broker concept. This data broker concept enables the setup of cascading OGC Web Feature Server (WFS) servers to form a data source chain, in which one service is capable of providing information coming from one or more other services. The report covers a number of specific Data Broker responsibilities and use cases, such as provenance and lineage, conflation, caching, scalability and flexible management of data sources.

The organizations sponsoring the upcoming OGC Testbed 12 testbed activity are reviewing the results of Testbed 11 and developing new sets of interoperability requirements to be addressed by Testbed 11's participating technology providers.

Contact the OGC to learn more about OGC Testbed 12 and how your organization might get involved as a sponsor or technology provider participant.

The OGC is an international consortium of more than 515 companies, government agencies, research organizations, and universities participating in a consensus process to develop publicly available geospatial standards. OGC standards support interoperable solutions that “geo-enable” the Web, wireless and location-based services, and mainstream IT. OGC standards empower technology developers to make geospatial information and services accessible and useful with any application that needs to be geospatially enabled. Visit the OGC website at