OGC Best Practice for using SensorThings API with Citizen Science

OGC Integrated Methane Sensor Web for Emissions Management Best Practice – Part I – Fugitive Emissions Management based on AE

OGC Best Practice for Earth Observation Application Package

Defence Geospatial Information Working Group (DGIWG) GMLJP2/JP2 Profile for Imagery & Gridded Data 2.1.2

EO Collection GeoJSON(-LD) Encoding

Volume 14 OGC CDB Guidance on Conversion of CDB Shapefiles into CDB GeoPackages (Best Practice)

Volume 12: OGC CDB Navaids Attribution and Navaids Attribution Enumeration Values

Volume 10: OGC CDB Implementation Guidance

Volume 8: CDB Spatial and Coordinate Reference Systems Guidance

Volume 7: OGC CDB Data Model Guidance (Best Practice)

Volume 6: OGC CDB Rules for Encoding Data using OpenFlight

Volume 5: OGC CDB Radar Cross Section (RCS) Models (Best Practice)

Volume 4: OGC CDB Rules for Encoding CDB Vector Data using Shapefiles (Best Practice)

Volume 2: OGC CDB Core Model and Physical Structure Annexes (Best Practice)

Volume 0: OGC CDB Companion Primer for the CDB standard (Best Practice)

Defence Profile of OGC Web Feature Service 2.0

Defence Geospatial Information Working Group (DGIWG) GeoTIFF/TIFF Profile for Imagery & Gridded Data 2.3.1

Defence Profile of OGC Web Map Service 1.3 Revision

Volume 12: OGC CDB Navaids Attribution and Navaids Attribution Enumeration Values

Volume 10: OGC CDB Implementation Guidance

Volume 8: CDB Spatial and Coordinate Reference Systems Guidance

Volume 7: OGC CDB Data Model Guidance Formerly Annex A Volume Part 2

Volume 6: OGC CDB Rules for Encoding Data using OpenFlight

Volume 5: OGC CDB Radar Cross Section (RCS) Models

Volume 4: OGC CDB Best Practice use of Shapefiles for Vector Data Storage

Volume 2: OGC CDB Core: Model and Physical Structure: Informative Annexes

Volume 0: Primer for the OGC CDB Standard: Model and Physical Data Store Structure

OGC Moving Features Encoding Extension: netCDF

OGC Best Practice for using Web Map Services (WMS) with Ensembles of Forecast Data

JSON Encoding Rules SWE Common / SensorML

Spatial Data on the Web Best Practices

OGC Moving Features Encoding Extension – JSON

Volume 12: OGC CDB Navaids Attribution and Navaids Attribution Enumeration Values

Volume 10: OGC CDB Implementation Guidance

Volume 8: CDB Spatial and Coordinate Reference Systems Guidance

Volume 7: OGC CDB Data Model Guidance Formerly Annex A Volume Part 2

Volume 6: OGC CDB Rules for Encoding Data using OpenFlight

Volume 5: OGC CDB Radar Cross Section (RCS) Models

Volume 4: OGC CDB Best Practice use of Shapefiles for Vector Data Storage

Volume 2: OGC CDB Core: Model and Physical Structure: Informative Annexes

Volume 0: Primer for the OGC CDB Standard: Model and Physical Data Store Structure

OGC® GML Application Schema – Coverages JPEG2000/JPIP Coverage Encoding Extension

DGIWG – Web Feature Service 2.0 Profile

DGIWG – Web Map Service 1.3 Profile – Revision

OGC IOGP/IPIECA Recommended Practice for a Common Operating Picture for Oil Spill Response

OGC Common DataBase Volume 1 Main Body

OGC Common DataBase Volume 2 Appendices

Unified Geo-data Reference Model for Law Enforcement and Public Safety

OGC® OpenSearch Extension for Earth Observation Satellite Tasking: Best Practice

WaterML-WQ – an O&M and WaterML 2.0 profile for water quality data

OGC® Sensor Observation Service 2.0 Hydrology Profile

OGC RESTful encoding of OGC Sensor Planning Service for Earth Observation satellite Tasking

OGC User Management Interfaces for Earth Observation Services

OGC RESTful Encoding of Ordering Services Framework For Earth Observation Products

OGC Best Practice for using Web Map Services (WMS) with Time-Dependent or Elevation-Dependent Data

OGC Best Practice for Sensor Web Enablement: Provision of Observations through an OGC Sensor Observation Service (SOS)

OGC® Best Practice for Sensor Web Enablement Lightweight SOS Profile for Stationary In-Situ Sensors

Modeling an application domain extension of CityGML in UML

OGC Download Service for Earth Observation Products Best Practice

OGC® Name Type Specification for Coordinate Reference Systems

EO Product Collection, Service and Sensor Discovery using the CS-W ebRIM Catalogue

WAMI Services: Dissemination Services for Wide Area Motion Imagery – Best Practice

Semantic annotations in OGC standards

Cataloguing Earth Observation Products for ebXML Registry Information Model 3.0 based Catalogues

Gazetteer Service – Application Profile of the Web Feature Service Best Practice

OGC® Web Coverage Service 2.0 Primer: Core and Extensions Overview

User Management for Earth Observation Services

Summary of the Architecture, Engineering, Construction, Owner Operator Phase 1 (AECOO-1) Joint Testbed

GIGAS Methodology for comparative analysis of information and data management systems

Web Map Services – Application Profile for EO Products

DGIWG WMS 1.3 Profile and systems requirements for interoperability for use within a military environment

Compliance Test Language (CTL) Best Practice

PDF Geo-registration Encoding Best Practice Version 2.2

OGC® KML Standard Development Best Practices

Definition identifier URNs in OGC namespace

Sensor Web Enablement Architecture

A URN namespace for the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)

OpenGIS Sensor Planning Service Application Profile for EO Sensors

Reference Model for the ORCHESTRA Architecture

GML Encoding of Discrete Coverages (interleaved pattern)

Sensor Alert Service

Web Notification Service

GML PIDF-LO Geometry Shape Application Schema for use in the IETF

FGDC CSDGM Application Profile for CSW 2.0

Gazetteer Service – Application Profile of the Web Feature Service Implementation Specification

Binary Extensible Markup Language (BXML) Encoding Specification

OpenGIS Web services architecture description

Units of Measure Recommendation