Other Publications

Other Publications

Best Practices

Best Practices describe the use of one or more OGC Standards, typically to address a domain-specific topic or provide a solution to an interoperability challenge. Best Practices may also describe implemented extensions to, or profiles of OGC Standards. List of Best Practice documents.

Other Publications

Community Practices

Community Practices describe implemented standards, specifications, or technologies that originate outside of OGC, but also address interoperability requirements in geospatial and related communities. List of Community Practice documents.

Other Publications

Discussion Papers

Discussion Papers present topics and technology issues being considered in the Working Groups of the OGC Technical Committee. They advance new topics and promote interoperability concepts within the geospatial industry. These papers do not represent the official position of the Open Geospatial Consortium nor of the OGC Technical Committee. List of Discussion Papers.

Other Publications

Technical Papers

Technical Papers cover technology issues of interest to OGC Members and the geospatial community at large. They provide the background needed to highlight and forecast trends. List of Technical Papers.

Other Publications

Guidance Documents

Guidance Documents are developed are developed by a subgroup, the Technical Committee, or OGC staff to provide informative guidance on the development of OGC documents and products. Also available as templates, guidance documents are intended to ensure consistency in OGC deliverables such as standards documents, charter documents, etc. Visit GitHub.